The GlassDragon
Most of the things that I build are "one-offs". I rarely make anything that is not completely designed by myself, and I find it more challenging to create totally from scratch than to refer to something nailed down in stone. The GlassDragon is a model that I took a long time to finish due to the unstablity in my life during the last three years... One divorce, two moves, two girlfriends, three jobs... yeah- it took a while to finish!
I took about 8 months off from building on this model after I finished the topside. This was a time when I was spending most of my time out courting my most gorgeous girlfriend. I got back into making this model when I saw the “Just Glue It” contest was in a favorable timeframe for me to finish The GlassDragon. Here is the
link to the page @ starshipmodeler, where it won first prize for scratchbuilt catagory... a small but highly saught after honer by most geeks that frequent that site. (I took it as an honor) There is also a brief history behind the GlassDragon on that page as well, for those who care about that stuff.
The entire project started as a drawing in my notebook about five years ago. This little shot shows how I start all of my projects now. The original thumbnail is lost now, but I did it while working at my then part time job at the YMCA, back in 2005. I made several drawings before this one- so don’t think that this just materialized after 20 minutes of doodling!
There is a side story of note to this as well, I used to talk to some of my patrons about what I was doodling each day, and told several of them how I make detailed models. One of them asked what I made them from and how… anyway, I got to talking about how something as simple as a coffee cup lid could be a part in a model. He laughed at me, so I started to draw a design using a several different 7-11 coffee
cup lids to show him the next day. The drawing were so good, I began to see how I could make this into a reality, and expanded on the drawing.
The experience changed how I designed my models, and elevated the quality of them at the same time. I learned how to draw to reflect real world objects as a basis for scale when integrating them into a design. By taking into consideration the structure for what the parts go to, I get closer to what will be made before I even start building. My final sketches of The GlassDragon are
I have many pictures on my “
myspace” page, take the first link to my page and go for it! All of my albums are open to the public, so just look around.