Distressing advice for Les Miserables


New Member
I know there are other distressing threads here, but I'm wondering if anyone will have any advice specific to my project. I've never done distressing before, and I'm a little overwhelmed by all the information I've found on the internet. The costume I'm doing is Eponine from Les Miserables. I've already ordered a belt, so I don't have to worry about that part at least. My main concern is the skirt. Any advice would be appreciated!
4-sided cheese grater and sanding blocks for distress; dilute acrylic paint/fabric medium around the bottom for dirt. Think about where wear (nice homonyms, huh?) would occur. This is probably her only skirt and she wears it every day. When she sits on stone or rough wood, her butt forces the cloth against the surface and abrades the cloth. When she kneels, her knees abrade the cloth against the ground. When she walks, the ground abrades the hem. The hem is constantly dragged through mud and excrement on the ground. The upper edge of the waistband rubs against her shirt. Washing and drying in the sun fades the fabric so you might consider washing it in very dilute bleach if the fabric seems too bright prior to weathering. This removes sizing and will make weathering easier, also. Go very slowly as there is no way back from bleach!
This thread is more than 11 years old.

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