Disney Studios Backlot Tour Help & Questions


Active Member
Does anyone here have access to the backlot tour at Disney (formerly MGM Studios) Florida? or have pictures from the prop room at the end of the tour? I am looking for specific pictures of certain props there. If you are a florida native I could really use your help! PM me for more info or email me at onehothemi@aol.com
Do you mean that AFI thing at the end? I remember there being POTC stuff and an Alien's suit. The star wars stuff looked reproduced though
We took a bunch of pics there on our last trip in September. What specifically are you looking for?
I am looking for pictures of the starship troopers rocket launchers and nukes there.

There were rocket launchers (you can see a picture of one here http://www.theonehothemicollection.com ) hanging on or from possibly a wooden pole, or attached by wires or on a shelf at the end of the tour right before you enter the train / tram on the last torner on the right bt the maximillian robot from black hole my email is onehothemi@aol.com any pictures in full size you have and are willing to share, if you aren't familiar with what I am talking about I will be able to spot it right away! THANKS FOR THE HELP!

It's possible I have the location wrong so any pictures you can share of the prop room would be greatly appreciated as I might be able to identify it even if you may not notice it is there.
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I took pics of the Rocketeer stuff, but I don't recall seeing the Starship Troopers items, so I don't have any pics of those. Sorry! :(




I've always seen the rocketeer gear there since I was little. Can anyone confirm wether those are plain replicas or have some lineage to the originals?
winston you are amazing!!!!! Those are the best photos I have seen. Thank you!

Tubachris. I doubt the rocketpacks are screen-used. I heard from another source that disney took the molds to make packs and helmets for promotion..So those can actually be promotional packs or production packs.

However, I believe Lucky lindy is screen-used.
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I've always seen the rocketeer gear there since I was little. Can anyone confirm wether those are plain replicas or have some lineage to the originals?

There were actually a LOT of screen-used pieces sent to Disney in Orlando around the time the film came out. They had a huge display of props from the movie - stuff that would blow your mind if you're a Rocketeer fan. I've seen home video footage from the display and can vouch for the fact they had a TON of screen-used stuff - not replicas. Full hero costumes, props, full size plane mockups - everything. I suspect most of it stayed in Orlando too at least until the Disney ebay Rocketeer auctions about ten years ago.

The full size black and white Gee Bee 5 mockup and the Howard Hughes autogiro mockup from the film sat on the backlot tour until they wasted away to virtually nothing. They had the large-scale blimp model from the movie as well as full-size cockpit mockup from the damaged yellow and black Gee Bee 4.

I believe they had both of the original two prototype rocketpacks plus several other rocketpacks ranging from stunt pack to hero packs and at least 5 different helmets plus a bunch of stunt helmets, a couple of which you can see in Matt's photos in various states of disrepair.

I'd guess most of it is from the production of the movie judging by what I've seen but I couldn't rule out that some of the rocketpacks could be Disney promotional copies.

Stunt helmets are unique and were only made for the production. The promotional helmets made by Disney weren't made quite the same way as production made hero helmets.

I have it straight from the propmasters' mouth (I met him in person) that Disney took the helmet and rocketpack moulds from Design Setters and made copies for their own uses. Those were not used in the production - just for promotions or whatever. It's my belief that many of those promotion helmets are where quite a few "cast from an original" helmets descend from. I can't prove it but it explains why there's a helmet for auction every other week claiming to be "cast from an original" or an "unused production copy" most of which are just straight up false.

The full scale Lucky Lindy is the one seen in the film as far as I'm aware. I doubt anybody made a replica of it and, besides I know they had the original there when the film came out. Those Disney folks aren't known for giving a flip about the Rocketeer so I can't imagine them going to the expense of replicating it.

Hope that helps!
Gee Bee and teh Auto Gyro were still there last I saw . . .but they looked BAD. I'll be headed down there at teh end of march, I'll keep a weather eye out for your SST props!!!
Now that I think of it, I don't ever recall seeing any starship troopers props. I was just there over christmas. IIRC, the last corner just before you get onto the trams (your last left turn, facing at an angle to the exit to the trams) I remember there being on the left, a series of scaled cars, most of which I think were used for "Who Framed Rodger Rabbit," and on the right is the front section of a subway car (forgot what movie thats from).

Then again, they do have alot of stuff randomly pilled up in there, mixed around. I'm wanting to hit up Disney before I leave for Basic in early March, but if I do, I'll get some pics

Gansta, yeah i'm guess its by the subway car, my friend is international so perhaps it translated differently when he was describing it. so not tram or train, he meant subway. if anyone has pictures of that area that'd be great to see.

Basic huh? where and what branch?
Gansta, yeah i'm guess its by the subway car, my friend is international so perhaps it translated differently when he was describing it. so not tram or train, he meant subway. if anyone has pictures of that area that'd be great to see.

Basic huh? where and what branch?

Ft. Jackson, going Army Intel
You must be referring to their other building where Maximilian was displayed.
This stage shell was part of the 101 Dalmations (movie) experience some years back. As far as I know very few props remain in that building.

I met with Disney archives a few years back to get access to Max, which was still hanging from the ceiling. A lot of pieces were removed. From my recollection, Disney archives had a loan contract with Sony, they had a Johnny 5 from Short Circuit there too that went back to Sony, so the Starship Troopers stuff probably went back too.

When I worked at Planet Hollywood, we had some of those things, I remember the Rocket Launcher, it was on a shelf a few feet from my office.

I'll check and see if have any images.

Yes it was! That makes me have a very vivid memory!! I got to be one of the kids on the bee, but when my eyes met up with Tik Tok up on a shelf above, I nearly fell off the bee. I came back through on a behind the scenes tour, and made a b-line for Johnny. I had no idea that thing was so huge!!!!