Disney Star Wars Parks and/or Website Products

Yes, it’s been listed since it went on sale. Apparently even though is a LE, it still has not sold out. Which is strange because I was super excited to order it and very happy with it. Maybe it’s not the mass appeal to other collectors as it is for me. Similarly, this is still not yet sold out either….

Star Wars: The Clone Wars LIGHTSABER Hilt Set – Limited Edition | Disney Store
Tempted to get one for the resale value with only 3000 made, but since they’re still in stock, it may not have much resale value.
Coming soon…

Hopefully it’s 1:1, didn’t see mention of scale anywhere. But man that’s an instant buy!
They had me at a fully chrome head, but the fact that it also has the Episode 1 head underneath it is just the cherry. Just hope its not $300+
They had me at a fully chrome head, but the fact that it also has the Episode 1 head underneath it is just the cherry. Just hope its not $300+

I'm going to guess it's going to be around the same price as their Archive Kylo Ren helmet that was just released. $150 ish.
The box and line is the same as the Kylo helmet so I am fully expecting this to be full-sized. It doesn't make sense to be scaled.
The box and line is the same as the Kylo helmet so I am fully expecting this to be full-sized. It doesn't make sense to be scaled.

Also part of this Star Wars: Galactic Archive Series line is the Blade of Ochi of Bestoon and the electronic Dejarik Board Game. The board game is not to scale as the prop but it is large and very impressive. I too expect this to be 1:1 scale and very affordable as Disney has been doing some excellent park and web products lately.
I can understand the Dejarik set being scaled down but this shouldn't be. I'll be very disappointed.
Oh I need a video review! It must have been Batuu West...might stop by East after work.