Dexter Prop?


New Member
Big fan of the Dexter show on Showtime and thought that a prop of the fingertip ice block would be something cool to display. was trying to find a screencap but had no luck. Any fans of the show consider making one of these? I'd definately be in for one. i'll update if i can find a screencap or if anyone can find one, please feel free to post.

that too would be pretty cool, shouldn't be too hard to reproduce, just need to find the box and get about 40 slides and drop some "blood" on each. would love to have that fingertip iceblock though. any ideas on how something like that would be made?
So i was able to get some screencaps. Here is this fingertip iceblock I've been talking about:





Here is Dexter's "prize box":



Any ideas on how to go about these, the box is pretty self-explanatory (can anyone ID) but the ice box seems a bit tricky
I don't think so. You just need a big mold for the block, otherwise all you have to do is pour the rasin in layers that you let dry, then you get to a finger, set it in, pour, wait for that to dry, and continue like so.
sounds simple enough, however, i've never done anything in regards to building/making a prop so i am clueless. if anyone would take up this project, i'd def be in for one