Hm...I've got a screen-used police communicator:



Sadly, no castings.....
Originally posted by gjustis@Apr 13 2006, 01:50 AM
Hm...I've got a screen-used police communicator:



Sadly, no castings.....

wow . where did you get that beauty .? I know propstore of london had one for sale too.
Originally posted by propsculptor@Apr 13 2006, 12:29 AM
I'd be interested in a "San Angeles" Police Badge. If they exist.

...with you on that. Seems like no one has that badge..
Hows about a Sandra Bullock replica? :)

I always thought that the shock batan would be a cool one to do, you could even wire in a real stun gun and make it work.
One of my best friends has a 1970 442 W30 convertible. I guess that counts as a prop replica :D

Don't know if the one in the movie is a real W30 though. They are pretty rare: 96 4-speeds, and 168 automatics produced.

Like the T2 statues, Every Planet Hollywood I walked into had a 1:1 naked Silvester Stallone hanging naked inside the frozen jail box or something. That's the only prop thing I ever saw from that movie.
I seen a Stallone frozen in the block of ice at a Planet Hollywood once, thye had it hanging from the ceiling facing down