Degassing Smoothcast 300

Holy crap, you guys weren't kidding about the baby powder!


You don't even want to know what the ones with Smooth On UMR instead of baby powder looked like. I did a quick yellow paint drybrush, but other than that, I got a perfect piece from the mold with almost no air bubbles. I think the few that are there are from blemishes in the urethane rubber mold.

Thanks, guys!
One little foot note on resin setting so fast. Our temps here were in the 90's, so I got a bag of ice, left it in the bag, and set the part B next to it for a chile. It gives you about an extra 30 secounds or so
I will have to give the baby powder a try. I just can't get those nasty bubbles out of there! I ended up poking about 10 different holes around the mold to help release them. Still didn't work. I wish I had known about this before throwing that mold out.
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