Defying Gravity framed Antares mission patches


New Member
Recently I decided to make a gift for a friend of mine rather than buying him something. We're both big fans of sci-fi and after much thought (and consideration of my complete lack of space and materials where I live) I picked up on a programme we both really enjoyed, 'Defying Gravity'. I couldn't afford the screen used items that Propworx had sale but it gave me ideas and I thought that it would be cool to make something that wasn't featured in the show but looked like it could have existed in that universe.

So this is what I came up with (I sincerely apologise for the poor quality of these images, they were taken in a bright room with the camera on my phone):

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It's the two patches featured during the Antares mission the characters went on, in a nice chunky frame. The one on the left is the International Space Organization logo and the one on the right is the Antares mission patch itself. They're not glued in or held in by the whole frame and back being compressed together, I bought some velcro circles and they're attached that way which I found really helped for repositioning them after I put it all together. They sat slightly higher up the frame than I planned and looked a bit weird so it was handy to be able to move them down without having to tear them off if I'd glued them in.

Underneath the patches is a ship schematic/diagram that's actual production art that I managed to find on the net. I was originally going to use a still of the ship orbiting the Earth but it ended up being covered by the patches and looked rubbish, then I found the production diagram and it not only looked better but it fit with my original idea of something that looks like it should be hanging up on a wall in the ISO building. I know it's labelled 'Defying Gravity' above the ship name which takes away from that idea slightly, but I left it in anyway. I don't know if you can quite make it out but the diagram has a nice scale bar so you can see how big the ship was.

Below this is a quote from Ron Livingston's character Maddux Donner - "My old man calls space travel a fool's game..." I picked it because we're massive nerds it just had so much extra weight. I gave it to him the weekend that the final Discovery shuttle mission was underway and we talked about 'Defying Gravity' getting cancelled and how we're extremely unlikely to see a mission like the Antares mission ever actually happen and that moved quickly on to the impending end of Stargate Universe, which when that finishes there's no more ship based sci-fi on tv. That weekend for us at least, it seemed that space travel really was a fool's game...

Anyway, got off track slightly there. I hope you like my display!
