Darth Knight! (Dark Knight/Darth Vader Hybrid Costume) 8/15/11 Finished Costume


Sr Member
Hey Guys,

Im back at it again! I have a costume Idea based on a piece of art work I saw at a convention in 2008!

I have been trying to think of a way to do this since I saw it! Now I think I have it figured out!

This is my prelim design, the grey pinstripes represent the ribs in the suit! This costume will be mostly black witha few grey accents. It will also have rivits to simulate the armor being attached to the under suit! I will be doing this the same way I have done my costumes in the past. I plan on following the design with a few exceptions. I will have the vader helmet w the ears, the chest box, the belt boxes attached to a dark knight style belt, a scolloped cape and boots! Im not planning on using shin armor of the under cape. I plan on modifying it to be just the "skirt" starting at the belt. Im also planning on the armor to be a little more "bat like" as vader lacks the armor.

Anyway here is what I have to start with! Keep in mind this will be redesigned around the chest box.
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Re: Is it Dark Vader or Darth Knight??

Ha ha awesome! Can't wait to see how this progresses. I've seen that BatVader pic before too. Too cool. Good luck Jeremey.
Re: Is it Dark Vader or Darth Knight??

Thanks Guys!!

Im having some trouble obtaining the chest box and the belt boxes at a reasonable cost or trade!! I fear I may have to build them :p bleh!!

Im looking forward to this build. Its gunna be fun!!
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Re: Is it Dark Vader or Darth Knight??

Thanks I appreciate. The compliant.

Im really looking forward to this build. I think it will go pretty quick once I get the components.
Re: Is it Dark Vader or Darth Knight??

That is going to be fantastic! Can't wait to see the pics. I am working on a mash-up myself - actually I made it, but I'm in improvement mode. Dolph Vader - a Miami Dolphins Darth Vader.
Re: Is it Dark Vader or Darth Knight??

LOL!! Im still waiting for the helmet to get here. Im hoping the box will be sitting on my porch when I get home!! That will be my first alteration!!
Re: Is it Dark Vader or Darth Knight??

Just a small update!

I got the Chest and Belt Boxes, the cape, the "skirt" cape, the belt, the "ears" and the helmet is on its way.

I will be cutting the foam later this week or early next. I am waiting on the undersuits then I can actually start the build.

Wish Me Luck!!
Re: Is it Dark Vader or Darth Knight??

Another Small Update!!

I am cutting the foam master as we speak, I am hoping to make the plaster mold tonight and pour a cast either tomorror or friday. I have alot of costume making to do this weekend!
Re: Dark Vader! (Dark Knight/Darth Vader Hybrid Costume)

Can't wait to see it!

BTW, Dark Vader is what I called Vader when I first saw Star Wars when I was 6 :)
Re: Dark Vader! (Dark Knight/Darth Vader Hybrid Costume)

i think this is going to be the best mash up
i love both bat man and darth vader
can't wait
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