Dark Knight leather suit

Very old news. In fact, the owner of UD Replicas is a member here and posted the announcement pretty much as soon as he got the license. He now has the license for Tron & Marvel and will be releasing a Wolverine based riding suit next.
im not 100% sure, but i believe that those guys are actually members here and have posted their items before. either way, this is the best motorcycle gear ive ever seen!!! lol.

Edit: GAH! you bet me to it riceball. but i didnt know there was a wolverine suit planned! sweet!
Yes, it's old news, but news to me that they are taking orders again until the weekend!

Why did it have to be the same week I already dropped $500 in? :cry
I thought these were cool when they were first available but never thought I'd put the money down. Now I'm seriously considering it!
I want one. Plus, if you got a full set including boots and gloves you would have a nearly complete costume. Just ad a cowl and a cape and you'd be done. Might be kid of expensive but if you take into account the cost of materials to make and mold your own and the time involved in making it you might be better off going this route. Plus it looks awsome and it would take some serious skill to make a suit that looks as impressive. Not saying it can't be done. This just might be easier.
I'm actually on that site. In the picture with David, a guy in the jacket, the full suit on a manikin, and Batwoman, I'm the guy in the jacket. lols.

Its gorgeous in person.