Well, after only 3 days and over 35,000 views on ebay, the "Batpod" replica was pulled by warner brothers until we remove "Batpod" from the description. Even though I am mad, it does show that they can't stop anyone from selling these, just from using the copyrighted names and such.
As of today, we have almost certainly have decided to raffle off the "Batpod" replica (I can say it here) and hope that a true fan of Batman wins this bike. [BigGrin]
We were thinking 20.00 tickets or 6 for 100.00 with a limit of 5000 tickets total
or 100.00 tickets with only 1000 tickets total. Thoughts?
Drawing would be held on July 31st 2010 at 12:00 pm at our shop.
We would love your input...
SDParker [Cool]