Daft Punk Helmet Replica


New Member
I posted a while ago on another Daft Punk project here on theRPF and thought it was high time to start a thread specifically for my Daft Punk replica project.

I was orgionally inspired by Volpin's build and since then have become enthralled with the project and replica building in general. Partly in response to my search for information on building processwa, I'm also began to keep a very detailed blog of my progress and process.

I setup a timelapse rig using a Logitech Webcam Pro 9000 and windows xp timershot (pm me or post if you want more info about setting up a basic timelapse rig) to document my work every 15 seconds. So far, I'm making an effort to post images, timelapse videos, and thoughts on every unique step of the process on my blog, www.buildblog.rajalabs.com.

The one element I'm missing is dialogue with expert replica builders, especially as I start to tackle new and more advanced techniques. My goal in this thread is to have a place to discuss with peers the following issues as I work on them:
  • Tips on refining bondo work, sharp edges and smooth curves...
    • Would love feedback on this point now, I'm in them middle of bondo work and having trouble making square edges on the back of the helmet, I'll post about this in detail here soon!
  • Latex molds and resin casting
  • Vacuum forming - everything from how to build a rig to specific help as I try to form my visor and post pics of my (hopefully not) failures
  • Finishing resin molds
  • Electronics (although I'll need the least help in this area)
  • General design critiques
Finally, if you see anything on my blog or in this thread that you want more info on please please don't hesitate to email or post here, I'd be more than happy to share what I've learned!

Looking forward to becoming involved with theRPF community—here are some more recent shots of the helmet:




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Loving this! I really like the shape of the visor and the chin on your sculpt. Very good proportions.

As for getting "crisp" edges in bondo, the best thing I can recommend is using a sanding block (I have an aluminum brick about 2"x6"x1" I use) to refine the edges. Wrap paper around it and sand to shape.

Dremels and their assorted bits are also helpful, if you've got the patience and steadiness for it.

I've wanted to do some time-elapse stuff for a while... but my process takes soooooo long that I kind of shudder to think what the eventual filesize would be.

Keep up the great work!
Volpin - thanks for the advice. I've considered setting up a sanding block rig and am glad to hear that has worked for you in the past.

Ares5000, I do have a dremel setup, it actually suspends down from the ceiling and has a flex shaft so its very easy to use on projects - I'll post a shot later tonight/tomorrow of the setup.

Once I have some time to work with the sanding block/dremel one/two punch I'll post the results here.

For reference, here are some shots of the things I am trying to square up/smooth out:



The project is alive and well but unfortunately won't be moving forward until spring :/ My workshop is in my basement and it has been freezing cold to the point where I can't get much done.

I'll be back at it in the spring and continue to post here then.
