D-Ring system to strap chestbox on Vader Armor

Darth Kahnt

Sr Member
I know a lot of people here use d-rings and hook the two shoulder straps of their Darth Vader chestbox to the underside of the armor.

Would someone (or multiple people :) ) please be so kind as to post pictures of how this system works. Also, descriptions of how to mount the d-rings to the armor and how to work the top of the chestbox straps would be excellent. Thanks in advance.
Try Ghosthost. He maybe able to help. I asked the same question a while ago to others who boasted of theirs and apparently its a trade secret unlike the MANHATTON PROJECT. Good luck.
Guys, What I did was I used leather belts for the straps but this system can be used with any strap. I cut off the buckle part with a few inches of strap still on it. I drilled a hole in the belt and cut a small hole on the back of the suit. I attached the cut end of the long part of the belt to the back of the box. I ran the belt under the armor and over the sholder and used the buckle like a real belt. This worked great for me beacuse you stll have adjustment.
Originally posted by yodakiller1138@Mar 30 2006, 07:06 PM
Try Ghosthost. He maybe able to help. I asked the same question a while ago  to others who boasted of theirs and apparently its a trade secret unlike the MANHATTON PROJECT.  Good luck.

I'm sure someone will come through. It would be a great help to me and I'd really appreciate it.

This method allows my pc to stay inthe same spot at all times and no more guessing and no more bumping into the armor and chipping the paint.
I just used epoxy to glue the d rings in place and loop the straps thru.

Thanks decaturvader. That's exactly what I was looking for.

I am thinking about using the d-rins up a little higher and using clips to clip it onto the d-ring, that was it makes it easier to transfer my chestbox from one set of armor to another.

If anyone else has pics please feel free to post them. Thanks again decaturvader, I knew someone would come through and it is not surprising that you were quick to help out. :D
I don't have pictures because I haven't done mine yet, but you could also use the buttons and hooks typically used on a set of overalls (farmer jeans). Not sure what they are called, but they are adjustable and can be removed if need be. Check JoAnns for a set.
The original versions are worn seperately before the armor is put on. Popular fan versions have one strap around the belly (back) and one going up and around the neck and back down to the box (a loop). But the real (ANH) had a strap around the belly (back) and 2 seperate straps over each shoulder that attached to the lower belly strap.
Originally posted by Ghost Host@Mar 30 2006, 11:55 PM
The original versions are worn seperately before the armor is put on.  Popular fan versions have one strap around the belly (back) and one going up and around the neck and back down to the box (a loop).  But the real (ANH) had a strap around the belly (back) and 2 seperate straps over each shoulder that attached to the lower belly strap.

Thanks GH.

I think it is easier to use the d-ring system though, such as decaturvader has on his. That way it assures the straps dont slip or move around. Also ensures the same gap between the chestbox and the armor. I like the fact that you dont have to adjust the straps.
True. My first Vader costume was done this way (when I was 10). They still use D-rings behind the chestbox, though.
Originally posted by DarthKahnt@Mar 31 2006, 05:12 AM
Thanks GH.

I think it is easier to use the d-ring system though, such as decaturvader has on his. That way it assures the straps dont slip or move around. Also ensures the same gap between the chestbox and the armor. I like the fact that you dont have to adjust the straps.

Funny I have the ANH style (over both shoulders, around the belly and attached both to the rear of the belly strap) and mine has NEVER moved on me. I do keep the belly strap as tight as it can go as well as the belt (to give that slightly trimmer Vader look-smirk).

The ANH style works incredibly well, if you keep it snug.

SOME Vaders, however, the particulalrly OVER-tall vaders (like 7' plus) have these HUGE gaps between their shoulder armor, chest box and belt boxes (for obvious reasons) and if they had attached the chest box to the shoulder armor like that, they would have a good serious foot or more of space down to the belt boxes.

Plenty odd looking vader.

With the ANH style, if you ever deside to upgrade or sell your suit, at least it's adjustable for the next guy...

One last note, with the ANH style, you put the thing on by only having to do ONE strap (the rear belly strap) as the others don't need to be adjusted once you've set them once.

Vegas Vader...
Originally posted by decaturvader@Mar 31 2006, 01:01 AM

This method allows my pc to stay inthe same spot at all times and no more guessing and no more bumping into the armor and chipping the paint.
I just used epoxy to glue the d rings in place and loop the straps thru.


This is an excellent idea. Can this be done to any version Vader? Or is it only for ANH?

I am just wondering.....the only "real" strap is the one that goes around the midsection?

I have an older version GT chest box. Can I do what is pictues above with this? I really don't want to start cutting the straps off the GT, and say OH $&$#, I screwed it up.

It looks easy enough to do. But what if I ever got a new set of armor. Would I be able to take the chest box of the old armor? Or are the Drings on there for good?

This makes me want to really do this project.. Any words of advice/encouragement would be great.
Originally posted by vaderfanforever@Apr 3 2006, 07:25 AM
This is an excellent idea.  Can this be done to any version Vader?  Or is it only for ANH?

I am just wondering.....the only "real" strap is the one that goes around the midsection?

I have an older version GT chest box.  Can I do what is pictues above with this?  I really don't want to start cutting the straps off the GT, and say OH $&$#,  I screwed it up. 

It looks easy enough to do.  But what if I ever got a new set of armor.  Would I be able to take the chest box of the old armor?  Or are the Drings on there for good?

This makes me want to really do this project..  Any words of advice/encouragement would be great.

Yes, this could be done with any version. It is NOT screen accurate (as has already been stated) but it makes things a lot simpler.

Using this method, the only full strap is indeed the one going around your midsection.

There is no reason why you can't do this with any chestbox using any straps, it is a universal method.

If you bought new armor you would be able to move the chestbox as it is not permanently attached. It can come right off the d-rings. You would simply have to put a new set of d-rings on your new armor.
Originally posted by VegasVader@Apr 3 2006, 08:33 AM

SOME Vaders, however, the particulalrly OVER-tall vaders (like 7' plus) have these HUGE gaps between their shoulder armor, chest box and belt boxes (for obvious reasons) and if they had attached the chest box to the shoulder armor like that, they would have a good serious foot or more of space down to the belt boxes.


The two hanging straps can be any length; mine are just the short cuz that's how I wanted em. This method is not limited to the 6' average joes. :D

Plus a side note, when I used to wear the whole straps over the shoulders deal, it would restrict my breathing pretty good. Couldn't expand my diaphragm. That's what prompted me to come up with the D-Ring approach.
I am getting ready to do this. If you don't mind me asking, what adhesive did you use to glue to d-rings to the armor? Looks like hot glue. I want to know what will stick to fiberglass and hold the 1 lb or less weight of the chestbox.
Originally posted by IanL@Apr 4 2006, 04:22 PM
I am getting ready to do this.  If you don't mind me asking, what adhesive did you use to glue to d-rings to the armor?  Looks like hot glue.  I want to know what will stick to fiberglass and hold the 1 lb or less weight of the chestbox.

I use an automotive adhesive on just about everything.It dries fassst and is quite strong, yet if I try hard enough, I can break it free if need be. I'd image you could fiberglass em, bondo em, heck, maybe liquid nails or JB Weld would be strong enough. Note, I also moved the lower strap of the chest pc from the center. I mounted mine closer to the bottom of the chest pc...but carefully as not to split the resin housing. the keeps me from look fat :D
Im going to do this too. I am going to test it on my Rubies armor before I try it on my fiberglass set. Ill post pics when it is done.