Customized Firearms


Sr Member
Hi guys!!!
Recently, a friend and fellow RPF member asked if I would customize some of his replica firearms so as to have a more unique “look.”

Some might consider these to have a “Steampunk” look which, in a way, they do.
I combined both a look from an old “Bergman” automatic from the 1900’s and added my own twist to produce what you see here.

Took a lot of work to finish these up and I thought to post them here before shipping them to be put on display in his collection. I modified some of the grips to accept Walther P-38 grips I had laying around.

First up, was this “Bergrosman .177” This was made using an old metal spring Crossman pellet gun.


I then worked on the “Bergmauser” which started out as a Denix.


Here is the “Bergluger 9mm” which is also made by Denix.

A pair of Crosman CO2 .44 Magnums are now reincarnated into the “Bergmagnum .44”


This is a resin H&K VP70z transformed into an energy blaster called the “Sahelke 2010”


Finally, I modified this Airsoft .44 pistol into a “Bergmagnum BreakTop Snub”



I’m sure there will be more to come and I hope you all enjoy these.
I didn't...I cut apart a standard .44 Magnum revolver and made it INTO a breaktop by making the front part so it would swing open....and yes, it still functions as intended.
I didn't...I cut apart a standard .44 Magnum revolver and made it INTO a breaktop by making the front part so it would swing open....and yes, it still functions as intended.

GET OUT!!! that's NUTS!!! :thumbsup :thumbsup

When I was asked to make it LOOK like a "Breaktop" I thought..."Hmmm, I'm going to try and make it INTO a "Breaktop"

At first, I cut the gun apart and then thought "CRAP...How am I going to do this!!!"

The two plates on the front on either side act as the support for the rod going through that allows the cylinder to swing up.

Luckily, after test-fitting the parts I was able to do it.

As I love the Walther P-38 and own one, those grips on all those sweet guns make me squeal like a little girl.

And as a lover of the Webley's, I&J, etc. and owner of a Mk VI, that last gun makes me squeal twice!

Brilliant work!

One question though, why did you keep the cylinder release switch on the breaktop? Does it do something functional that you couldn't remove it?

Okay really 2 questions. Do you take commissions?:love
I ask because your style is very B-tech (future of the 80's) and I have an old Crossman American that could use a makeover.
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That revolver is awesome. What was the original make and model? How'd you go about customizing this? Did you add styrene in layers? I'm in love with that revolver and I'd like to have a go at customizing one!
if your head's hurting, its because im sending mental messages to you that you send them to me instead. because i want them. bad.
Very nice, realy like those. What did you use for the extra plating, plastic or metal?

All the plating is sheet styrene. All hand cut and sanded.
A LOT of work and a LOT of sanding!!!

I used black milliput to fill in the open areas in the front of the guns.

Toughest part was retro-fitting the P-38 grips to these. Again...LOTS of milliput and a ton of sanding to get them to fit properly.
