Custom Wig Question

El Duderino

Sr Member
I'm just curious, how much do custom made wigs usually run? Weather it be fake or real hair, just wondering if anyone here knew a price of at least a good site.
the cheapest real heair can go from $60.00 to the most expensive for $600.00. Synthetic Hair can also range in the same catagory as real Hair except if your going for bleached or green Hair. that can run from $25.00 to $60.00 check out Fun Wigs web site they got some good hair pieces. C
If you're talking about a truly custom made wig, not something from stock, you are usually talking about hundreds to thousands of dollars.

Hand making a custom wig is a very labor-intensive process.

Well, it says on her website she's not taking any orders (in 2007, so it's quite out of date).:(

Let us know if you manage to contact her and she's still taking orders.

By the way, judging from her site, it appears they are not truly custom made - looks like they are custom STYLED from existing wigs.

Before you spend more then you have to on a custom wig, what sort of wig are you looking to have made? It may already exist or can be created at a lower cost then having one made for you.
Well, it says on her website she's not taking any orders (in 2007, so it's quite out of date).:(

Let us know if you manage to contact her and she's still taking orders.

By the way, judging from her site, it appears they are not truly custom made - looks like they are custom STYLED from existing wigs.


I went to her forum and the last post she made was only a few days ago. I sent her a PM just asking her for a quote for when she decides to get back into taking custom orders.

Before you spend more then you have to on a custom wig, what sort of wig are you looking to have made? It may already exist or can be created at a lower cost then having one made for you.

I wanted a wig for a display piece I want to do of Anton from No Country For Old Men, as seen in my avatar.
Ooh, that's going to be a tough one. So much of his look IS his haircut. Long haired men's wigs aren't easy to come by, except for really silly metal band big hair or comic mullets.

For a cheap men's costume wig, look at this:

Because it's cheap it may not part on the side very well. Most cheap wigs have hair that's laid in to go in one direction.

You might have to go to a women's wig. Maybe something like this, which is very close in style, but still cheap (probably want color 8E or 10E):

Women's wigs are generally smaller in size, which might be a problem.

Good luck. Hope that was helpful.

That first one is almost dead on and you're right, cheap wigs are usually very hard to style. Guess I could take a whack at it. Thanks.