I'm just curious, how much do custom made wigs usually run? Weather it be fake or real hair, just wondering if anyone here knew a price of at least a good site.
the cheapest real heair can go from $60.00 to the most expensive for $600.00. Synthetic Hair can also range in the same catagory as real Hair except if your going for bleached or green Hair. that can run from $25.00 to $60.00 check out Fun Wigs web site they got some good hair pieces. C
Before you spend more then you have to on a custom wig, what sort of wig are you looking to have made? It may already exist or can be created at a lower cost then having one made for you.
I went to her forum and the last post she made was only a few days ago. I sent her a PM just asking her for a quote for when she decides to get back into taking custom orders.
Before you spend more then you have to on a custom wig, what sort of wig are you looking to have made? It may already exist or can be created at a lower cost then having one made for you.
Ooh, that's going to be a tough one. So much of his look IS his haircut. Long haired men's wigs aren't easy to come by, except for really silly metal band big hair or comic mullets.