Creature from the black lagoon question...


Active Member
A couple years ago someone on ebay was selling a Creature from the black lagoon life-size skull they had made. I don't remember if it was a completed piece or was a kit to build and paint. I was curious if anyone knows who the person or company was and how to reach them or has any photos of the creature skull they could post here. Thanks for any help....HILDEBEAST
He's looking for a skull.

I saw one in the last week or so I think over on the Clubhouse forum.
I'll keep an eye out for it.;)

Well how did the word 'skul' get passed me? :lol I just saw life-sized and thought...well, you know.

Never mind.
No luck yet, but someone else asked the same question on another forum. Found it on google.

Here is the question that was never answered:

"Does anyone have any information regarding the sculptor, and, or, distributor, of this OOP resin(?) "Creature From The Black Lagoon" skull garage kit? I was told it was from the long time defunct "Creature Features," but Taylor White says no. It is also not from QMx, who currently produce the Devonian Creature hand.

Thanks for any clues."

They posted a pic too.

You say QMX makes the devonian creature hand?
I looked on their website and couldn't find it.
Is there a hidden link somewhere on theri page?
I didn't say it, the person who posted on the other forum did. I just came across it researching on google for Hildebeast. It was from a few years ago. Sorry for the mixup.
Thanks for everyones help in locating a photo of the Creature skull. I appreciate everyones time and effort. HILDEBEAST