Could Disney finally give us the remastered, unedited Star Wars we want?

I know, would have made more sense if Palpatine just had memory erasing powers, at least it would explain why he kept Anakin on as his apprentice after he was mangled, plus he could have had his own "no Anakin, I am your father" moment.
I know, would have made more sense if Palpatine just had memory erasing powers, at least it would explain why he kept Anakin on as his apprentice after he was mangled, plus he could have had his own "no Anakin, I am your father" moment.

Which would have been supremely lame. You get to play that card once in an entire movie series. No more.
You can take it a step further, too. Vader could sense Obi Wan on the death star, but why not luke? If just the midi's make you 'sense-able' (which was never established) should the line have been "I feel a presence I haven't felt since.....and WTF? 2 others?"

Obi Wan being completely trained and a familiar presence should be easy for him to 'sense'. Luke being barely trained and Leia none at all would likely be harder to detect.

Not so sure QG's 'sensing' wasn't during the podrace when he used some ability or that, he simply had so much massie amounts of power it was sensible.
We're kinda derailing here, but I actually think this might make for an interesting discussion as its own thread, since it deals with pretty much all of the existing Star Wars stuff, and may involve some of the upcoming material. I'm gonna go start a new thread. Be right back.


Ok, new thread's up.
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Maybe everyone has their own Force signature. Vader sensed something he once knew but had forgotten. Kind of like "I've heard this song before but I cannot remember the name of it."

He had never known Luke's signature, therefore he did not sense it?
Yeah, folks need to understand a little of how copyright works. Copyright covers a BROAD area of rights. You have reproduction rights, broadcast rights, rights to make derivative works, etc. And that can be further divided, such that, for example, NPR can have the radio broadcast rights for the derivative work that is the audio dramas, Spike can have the broadcast rights for the HD version of the sexology of films but only in the U.S., and Disney-Asia can have the broadcast rights for the Pacifici rim area and China. Meanwhile, Sky or Canal+ could have the rights for broadcasting in Europe, and so on and so forth.

Bottom line: this is a licensing deal, not a recapture of the rights to the films in toto.
The special ed editions sure are dogs.


George Lucas even after selling Star Wars still manages to rile the fans up!

I'm just waiting for JJ Abrams' Star Wars, he's using 35mm film so it will look like the original trilogy, rather than a complete digital green screen world.

The special editions are indeed dogs!
I didn't go to law school so I can't be 100% on this, but I'm pretty sure he meant that as a legal term, not to reference the dog.

Correct, but I'm assuming it's just the usual wiseassery of the RPF -- which is one of the things that keeps me coming back. :)
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