Robot Monster
Sr Member
Anyone have a source for a clear paperweight. I'm thinking about the size of a Hellraiser box.
I did a lot of research on this earlier in the year.
The closest I came was a 2" plexiglass cube that I had to polish.
I ran the idea past a few companies, but just the materials (no engraving of any kind) lobbed it upwards of 65$ a cube (before shipping to the US, youch)
The cube has been a few colors in the comics though. Red, yellow, always glowing. It was palm sized (a little smaller) in the later years though.
If you get any leads, please let me know. I would love to get one added to the collection o "weird marvel crap" that I have going on
Adolph Hitler's (aka the Hate Monger) consciousness inhabited the cube for a time, and would occasionally manifest as an image of his head, and I think he was usually screaming. Sometimes there would be "Kirby dots" in it. Sometimes it was just shiny. Like it was said above, it varied.
I like Nick's idea. I almost did something like he said but it was impractical for my space at the time and I was done spending money. You could give it a sanding for a frosted look and color each side different with a wash of paint. Or have a colored bulb in the lighted base.
I'm not so sure I'd sand it either. But a lighted base would be nice - maybe with a color-changing light source. Some yellow hazmat gloves along side it or something.