Correct ESB Bespin Ice Cream Maker FOUND!


Sr Member
After doing a good bit of research and purchasing several incorrect units from ebay, I can finally announce that I have ID'd the correct ice cream maker used in TESB on Bespin and Dagobah.

The correct unit is a 4-quart Ice Cream Maker consisting of a plastic bucket, a metal canister with plastic lid and a stirring unit that goes inside canister, and a motor unit. The bucket has a wood-grain pattern molded into the plastic and comes in various colors (I have a yellow and red one). The motor unit comes in (at least) black and white.

It seems the same unit was sold under different brand names: Dolly Madison, Sears, and Sunbeam (and perhaps others).

There is a similar unit sold under the same variety of brand names that has a nearly identical motor unit, but the bucket is wider and shorter, making it the wrong proportions for the prop.

The unit is dated 1976, but the research seems to indicate that the same unit may have been produced well into the 80s.

Now the pics:









A few more here:

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WTH :D I didn't know that Luke and a black guy from bespin were using Ice Cream makers for .... I don't know for what they've used ice cream makers...
But it's really a cool find and I'm sure it took a bunch of time to identify this.
The 'in-universe' story is that its a 'computer core'. I suppose on Dagobah, you could say its the X-Wing's computer core (or perhaps a spare carried with the rest of the luggage).

Awesome. I've been looking for the right one forever, but never seemed to be able to find it. Whereabouts did you acquire it?
Evil-bay of course!

I suppose by posting this, I'm potentiall raising the going price for these, but Its just too much fun not to share!

Awesome find. I knew about the ice cream maker on Bespin never didn't know there was on on Dagobah as well.

Judging from the size of that, you can make a heck of a lot of ice cream...
I see you have constructed a new ice cream maker. Your journey to the pistachio side is complete. :sleep

Watch ESB as Luke is packing to leave Dagobah- there is a large hatch in the underbelly of the Xwing that is open.


Indeed. So Luke retrieved all his stuff while the hatch was submerged? ;) (Actually, I was thinking of the wing mechanisms taking up all that fuselage space.)
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