Conan the DESTROYER Costume


Master Member
Ok, well... I just received the down-payment for this commission so I figured I'd start a work-in-progress thread.

A buddy of mine wants to be Conan for Halloween this year... and I jumped at the chance to make this for him because...
he is perfect.
Bodybuilder, 6'2, and very well versed in martial arts.

Anyway, I guess this will be a build tracking thread.
Here is the costume in question:

And here is the work done so far:
Modified KultofAthena War Sword.
Right Studded Bracer begun.
Wig purchased
Boots at 50%
Gold 'wheel of pain' pendant sculpted
Gold 'flying serpent' belt medallion sculpting



Also, just out of curiosity:
Pending the final look of the medallion and/or belt ornament, I may start an interest thread to do a run.
I haven't offered anything like this before so I think it'd be a good place to start.... I've never seen anyone offer replicas of these pieces.
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This looks sweet!:thumbsup I might be interested in some replicas, depending on if I have the funds. :rolleyes
CROM! Looking good mate!:eek

Did you sculpt your serpant and wheel from Sculpey? Very detailed.

Love your first pic! Very Geico caveman like! What character are YOU going for?:lol

Good work as usual. Looking forward to the leather work on Conan!
Did i miss any photos ... What costume...? :lol
If your reffering to the pant and buckles.. then HEY.. Got to have the body and the self pride to wear those Thongs :D

And the after a long warm convention day the leather will shape it self... LOL:lol:lol:lol

Anyway cool project. :)
Well... It looks as though I've officially been "Burned".

My client never sent me his promised deposit, and in the meantime has gone out of the country to pursue who knows what...

So I've got some half finished CONAN stuff lying around and no-one to make it for except the RPF I guess :)

All is well though with that anyway... I've been using this time to try to get back to school in the fall after a 3 yr. sabbatical to "find myself" haha.
Woah, necrobump.

Swordguy / Homer:
The Conan stuff I was working on has already found it's way to a new owner. (I finished the sword, and my room-mate bought it) However, the project was entirely scrapped as I am now a full time student again. Thanks Swordguy, for your interest.
Homer, like I mentioned, it was never for me... But I am already pretty buff :D
(1 year ago sunday)