(COMPLETE!!) NECA Gears of War Lancer mod (lighting and sounds affects)


Well-Known Member
First I have been a long time lurker but a first time poster and wanted to say how awsome this board is. I have seen some great advise and now I am looking for some my self. For a pretty ambitious (well for me anyway) project. It's mostly wiring so I came here for some advise.

Ok quick little back story. A couple of years ago they released Gears of War2 (GAW2). They also released a special addition through Amazon which included a Replica Lancer. Well when I recieved it, I was pretty excited, it looked really good. So I installed the batteries and pulled the trigger.................. I heard a whole lotta nothing. But I am sure most people here heard about that debacle and knew how to fix it, aluminum foil. So with that fixed I pulled the trigger. Needless so say I was a little underwhelemed. It sounded like a baseball card in bike spokes. So I put it back in its box and stored it away. Well over this past weekend I had an idea what if I added sound affects to it. I am sure I am not the only one who has thought of this and acutally done this mod. But this is what I would like to accomplish.
#1 Dremmel out the appropriate areas that are supposed to have light and add in some bright blue LED's and have them activate using a momentary switch that is depressed when you lock in the ammo clip.
#2 Add in sound cards for a chainsaw and machine gun sounds.
#3 I want to wire wire both of the sound cards to the main trigger (and a small momentary aux switch) So when I pull the trigger alone I get the machine gun sound and when I pull the trigger with the aux button pressed I get the chainsaw sound.
#4. I want to wire the sound cards in with the LED momentary so they cant be activated unless the clip is in place.
I know this is pretty big project but if done right I think will look and sound really cool. I would love some feedback and some advise. I plan on keeping this as a Progress thread with pictures.
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Re: Modding out my GOW2 Replica Lancer (long first post)

Hey bikerscout1599,
This sounds like a fantastic project. I am really looking forward to the progress on this. After seeing (and hearing) the lancer in person, I was underwhelmed with the sound as well.

PS I can chip in some battery boxes and such if you need them.
Good luck,
Re: Modding out my GOW2 Replica Lancer (long first post)

Hey bikerscout1599,
This sounds like a fantastic project. I am really looking forward to the progress on this. After seeing (and hearing) the lancer in person, I was underwhelmed with the sound as well.

PS I can chip in some battery boxes and such if you need them.
Good luck,
Thanks for the offer I will see what I am working with first. I have parts left over from several saber projects so I will see.
Re: Modding out my GOW2 Replica Lancer (long first post)

so one of the sound cards I was planning on using is not wired up exactly how I thought it was so I am going to have to modify my plan slightly. I wanted to ask this hear and make sure I have the right train of thought.
The sound card for the machine gun sound uses a 9v battery for the power But for my purposes I dont always want power going to the card so what I was thiking about doing is adding a momentary (yes a momentary will work for my purpose) to the Neg lead of the battery so when the switch is not depressed no power is going to the board but when it is pressed power is going to the board and then I can trigger the sound.
Re: Modding out my GOW2 Replica Lancer (long first post)

here is a blueprint that I came up with. Comments or suggestion would be great. Any help with wiring up the LED's would be even better.
Re: Modding out my GOW2 Replica Lancer (updated with PICS)

So I finally did the first big step of this project. I took apart the lancer. After having to figure out where all the screws were hidden (I had to pry off a few decorative screws to get to them.) Needless to say I was not surprised by what I found.
First the before picture just a standard Lancer Replica

this is just a close up shot of some of the decorative screws that had to be taken out. (not easy to do I can tell you that.)

Well here it is the Lancer all opened up. Yea I dont think I have to worry about running out of space any time soon.

Awww isnt that cute its the heart of the lancer. Well my lancer just flatlined because that sorry excuse for a sound producing device is gone.

This is just a shot of the other half of the shell.

The trigger set up (gonna use this for sure. I kept all the wires attached will make my life that much easier.

Plastic weights taken out (I guess they are trying to make it as realistic as possible. I might put a couple back in but the weight from my speakers should help.

awwwww isnt that cute NOT!!!!!

two totally gutted and empty shells

Well thats all I can do for now untill I start getting parts in the mail and I pick up my LEDs.I hopefully will have an update in about a week or so.
Comments and constructive crit always welcome.
Re: Modding out my GOW2 Replica Lancer (long first post)

Cool,i'm gonna keep an eye on this thread as i have 3 gold lancers that could do with upgrading
Re: Modding out my GOW2 Replica Lancer (long first post)

26 Aug 2010
So these pictures show the lancer with the machine gun sound card installed. I still have to attach the speaker. But the empty space where the 9v sits fits perfectly.
I also tried my hand at wiring a few of the LED's and as you can see they all work AND I didnt fry anything I am so proud of my self *does the little happy dance* but I just wanted to post this and to thank everybody for your help and advice. Mind you the wiring for the LED's is just PRACTICE. It will look nothing like that when I am done.
Re: Modding out my GOW2 Replica Lancer (long first post)

sounds like the debacle with the fallout 3 pipboy clocks that never worked. Looks really good so far.
Re: Modding out my GOW2 Replica Lancer (long first post)

30 Aug 2010
Well today had its ups and downs. I recieved my toy chainsaw and ......... a little disapointed. The only sound that comes off of the sound card is an chainsaw engine idle sound. When you pull the trigger to activate the blade all you hear is the little motor making the "chain" go around the gear. So.... Improvise Adapt and Overcome.I unsoldered the little motor that came with the chainsaw and resoldered the orginal motor with the counter weight that came with the lancer and it works beautifully. So that problem is solved. With that hurdle tackled I decided to play with a couple of my LED's I figured out what I was going to use for my diffuser. I wired up the LED's (not a single piece of black tape was used). I fitted them in the lancer inserted the diffuser and I have a really good lighting affect. I am very happy with this. Comments and constructive crit are ALWAYS welcome.
Re: Modding out my GOW2 Replica Lancer (long first post)

1 Sep 2010
Well I finished wiring and mounting all of my LED's. This was the first big wiring job for me and I couldnt have done it with out some advise from fellow members over at The Custom Saber Shop. I included a couple of pictures. I dont have the two halfs wired together yet, I wont do that untill I am ready to put the whole thing back together. But this should give you an idea of how it will look. I also decided to throw in an LED into the rear sight. To see if I can at least project some blue light onto it.(not exactly just like the game but I will take it.) Again comments and constructive crit always welcome.
Re: Modding out my GOW2 Replica Lancer (long first post)

A bit late but the gold lancers came from game station they were £30.00 each so i bought 4 and sold one for 120.00....lol
Re: Modding out my GOW2 Replica Lancer (long first post)

ohh ok I just looked it up. Pretty cool looking. Is it the same exact thing as the standard lacer just gold?
3 Aug 2010
So with my final two hours complete this project is finished I am really happy the way it turned out. I am even getting used to the chainsaw soundcard I got. But that doesnt mean I wont be keeping an eye out for a better one. Here are a couple of pics of me with the finished lancer and a couple of the lancer by it's self (those are alot better in my opinion LOL) I am hoping to take some video today so you can hear it. Please let me know what you think comments and constructive crit ALWAYS welcome.
It looks really good! The LEDs really make it pop. (y)thumbsup:thumbsup

Did you give it a new paintjob as well? I couldnt tell from the pics, and I don't think it was mentioned.
It looks really good! The LEDs really make it pop. (y)thumbsup:thumbsup

Did you give it a new paintjob as well? I couldnt tell from the pics, and I don't think it was mentioned.

No, no new paint job even though that is something I will prob do in the near future. (baby steps for now.) I am just glad I didnt fry any sound cards or LED's. :lol
Re: Modding out my GOW2 Replica Lancer (long first post)

ohh ok I just looked it up. Pretty cool looking. Is it the same exact thing as the standard lacer just gold?
Yup, just a really bad (IMHO) gold spray paint all over it, possibly due to our strict replica gun laws in the UK.

As a gold Lancer owner with no sounds, may I ask what the aluminum foil fix is?
Re: Modding out my GOW2 Replica Lancer (long first post)

Yup, just a really bad (IMHO) gold spray paint all over it, possibly due to our strict replica gun laws in the UK.

As a gold Lancer owner with no sounds, may I ask what the aluminum foil fix is?
When these lancers first came out the first shipment had a deffect where the C batteries were not contacting with the metal lead in the battery sled. So people were sticking pieces of aluminum foil between the battery and the metal lead to bridge the gap.
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