Comic Con C3PO presentation with Propstore's Stephen Lane

That 3PO head is AMAZING. I was fortunate to spend a few hours with it a year or so back. I hope to be able to release some photos of it on my site at some point soon.


Man that is awesome!
Can't believe steve was willing to let it go as well as his scout trooper helmet.
Nice camera work over the helmet. I can see details I've never noticed before. Not that i'm an expert. What is that material behind the eye grid lines? The bumpy-orange-yellow stuff?
I had a chance to speak with Stephen for a little bit at the Comic Con; he's a real nice guy. He was very informative and seemed to really enjoy what he's doing.
Nice camera work over the helmet. I can see details I've never noticed before. Not that i'm an expert. What is that material behind the eye grid lines? The bumpy-orange-yellow stuff?

I'm no expert but it looks like they used "Clear Prismatic Styrene Lighting Panel" commonly found above basement / or industry drop panel lighting. It's like lexan / plexi glass with a pattern in it basically. At least that's what it looks like to me.
