Clone firefighter


Active Member
I've been gathering the parts for a Clone firefighter for a while now, mostly stumbling on bits here and there. In the past month I found this thread here and was wondering if any more is known about the costume now than there was 4 years ago.

In particular I'm interested in whether the greeblies on the helmet and the plate over the Frank Thomas logo on the boots are found items and if anyone knows, and wishes to share, the what model of helmet the back of the lid is made from.

I've been gathering the parts for a Clone firefighter for a while now, mostly stumbling on bits here and there. In the past month I found this thread here and was wondering if any more is known about the costume now than there was 4 years ago.

In particular I'm interested in whether the greeblies on the helmet and the plate over the Frank Thomas logo on the boots are found items and if anyone knows, and wishes to share, the what model of helmet the back of the lid is made from.


Did you check here? 501st CloneTroopers Detachment -> (CF) Clone Firefighters
I made a costume and am 501st approved. I will see if I can post some pictures.

I'd be interested in a parts list on the helmet too! I know the mask is a modified 3M respirator, but I'd love to know what other parts you used to make the helmet.
Thank god you saved the cat! ;)

Edit: And thats a great looking costume!!!
Geoff, that's a great costume. Don't suppose you can post a side-on pic of the helmet could you?

By the way is that the US Plastics hose that a lot of TIE pilots are using nowadays?
Im a firefighter who is new to all of this but Ive decided that my first project will be the clone firefighter. Any info that anyone can pass along will be greatly appreciated.
I will see what pictures I have of the helmet. Its been in storage for a few years now. Have to bring it out for display. Yes, the mask is a 3m respirator and hoses were extras from my tie pilot.
Thanks Geoff.

Fithian, here is the limit of what was known as of a few months ago. I've backed off doing this a bit recently due to other projects taking up more space.

The boots are Frank Thomas Armasports. There are a few different versions of them but you need the one with the writing above the logo (I will dig mine out and post a picture). The plate then goes over the logo and the writing attaching above the shinguard on the boot. They are readily available secondhand on eBay UK for about £20-30. Go for good condition ones even though you'll probably weather them because the bit around the top is rather fragile.

I believe the coveralls are custom sewn, though I am probably wrong. I also believe the gloves are motorcycle gauntlets which were sprayed to match the colour of the cowl.

As Geoff said the respirator is the 3M, the model is the 6900.

Good luck
Thanks for the word on the boots Ill get started on those right away. I guess I need a parts list for the backpack and helmet or should I start on the clay?
Well, bumping this up, got to get it done this year... I'm fed up of seeing the boots to start with.

Courtesy of Banzai88 over on CTN here are a few larger screen caps of the helmet...



Been doing quite a bit of looking for the remaining part but wouldn't know where to start on the greeblies, other than the bit over the mouth grill looks like it's out of the V8, so I was wondering if anyone here can guide me or even ID the part outright.
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The vents that run horizontal under the visor, on each cheek, appear to resemble the vent grills that are found inside the door jamb of older cars..

Thanks a lot, after a peak around Google I agree with you. Time to obsessively track down the right model...
I made a costume and am 501st approved. I will see if I can post some pictures.

Hey Geoff,

I saw your profile and costume...
501st Legion: Members Pages

I am Vol Firefighter in NYS. I've been kicking a costume around for while to get me in the 501st, I been with the RL for years but never turned to the dark side out of not sure what I wanted to do! I saw yours today! Very cool!

I am considering doing this if you want some company on interior? :love
Any tips mate?