Classic Trek (Machined Lirpa) NEW PICS 1rst POST Updated 6/10/09 FINISHED!!


Master Member
UPDATE: 6/10/09

DONE! See pics below!


Just to bring anyone new up to speed so they don't get lost in the thread. This started out as a "Name that prototype" thread and that lasted all of about 2 minutes.

Anyway, now it's just a show-off In progress thread covering the construction of my all metal Lirpa prototype. Here's some new pics!
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Re: Name that prototype!

Star Trek TOS Vulcan Lirpa --Cuts Captain Kirk's shirt nicely



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Re: Name that prototype!

That was fast.

She'll be a beast when completed! The blade looks a little off due to the perspective but we'll get it dialed in. This is just a junk cut on scrap anyway.

Now, try and get the music out of your head.

Dunt, dunt, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun dunnnnn....
Re: Name that prototype!

Yah, that was easy... but you have to say it like an old Vulcan chick...

Deeee LEER-pa.

Re: Name that prototype!

I dare you to machine the base out of a solid block of aluminum! :lol

But seriously, it might be best to make the base hollow and then the end opening would be a kind of screwcap. That might help it counterbalance more properly. The original was probably balsa wood or something!

And then put in an MP3 player in the hollow butt with repeating music, "Dunt, dunt, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun dunnnnn.... " *GRIN*
Re: Name that prototype!

And then put in an MP3 player in the hollow butt with repeating music, "Dunt, dunt, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun dunnnnn.... " *GRIN*

You know, I would do this...seriously! :lol
Re: Name that prototype!

I'll take that dare! In fact, that was the plan anyway.

It's gonna take a huge chunk of metal. We plan on hogging it out to reduce the weight anyway.


I dare you to machine the base out of a solid block of aluminum! :lol

But seriously, it might be best to make the base hollow and then the end opening would be a kind of screwcap. That might help it counterbalance more properly. The original was probably balsa wood or something!

And then put in an MP3 player in the hollow butt with repeating music, "Dunt, dunt, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun dunnnnn.... " *GRIN*
Re: Name that prototype!


I've always wondered which would win in a fight, the Lirpa or the Bat'leth...

Quick! Find a Klingon! :)
Re: Name that prototype!

I thought about making a wall mount/hanger that looks like the shield thingy.

That is, if we're talking abut the same shield thingy. :)

Gonna try and wrap this proto up in the next week.

Ooh, nice. Me like. What about the shield thingy?

Re: Name that prototype! (Metal Lirpa)

Okay...I broke down. I'm down for one.
Re: Name that prototype!

i want one!

After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.

But in this particular case, I think having is going to be better than wanting. :p

Looking forward to your progress, Rylo! :love
Re: Name that prototype!

I thought about making a wall mount/hanger that looks like the shield thingy.

That is, if we're talking abut the same shield thingy. :)

Gonna try and wrap this proto up in the next week.

Yep, that's what I was talking about.
