Chrome Plasti Kote Question


New Member
Hey everyone,

Just another question i have, its in regards to the Chrome Finish Plasti Kote Spray.

Now i have heard the horror stories relating to this but i need to know,

I have just sprayed a plastic ball with this paint, how long should i leave this for before i do the next phase. Ie Install fans to the helemt.

Will this stuff ever dry, as its been a day and still leaves fingerprints.

Is it a waiting game?

Thanks peeeps
hmm..ive used that stuff before and its always dried quickly....(with light coats)...all I really know is I used a clear coat and it dulled it down to a grey!
I did a prop a few years back and it still marks up ! Not sure where you are but Krylon or rustoleum chrome paints are much better if you are going the rattle can route.
Tango, can i spray over the current chrome with this rustoleum chromei found at bq, and will this be more touchable?
My immediate guess would be A) Too heavy on your coats, and/or B) too much moisture in the air. Generally A is the most likely.
i've used these quite a lot.

it can be months sometimes before you can handle parts without leaving fingermarks.

trouble is you have to put on a fairly thick coat to achieve the "chrome" look,

which then means you cant touch it :unsure, if you put on a thin coat it just looks like silver paint.

these paints are aimed at painting crap around the house that you would not normally handle on a regular bases. vases etc...

painting over it sounds like a bad idea, painting on top of a paint that has not fully cured is not going to help.

i think all these type of paints all have similar problems.

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Thanks, i decided to rhinestone over the top as the chrome stressed me out!

I will be keeping away from this!!
The secret to chrome spray: patience. Very thin, multiple coats. If your project is still tacky after 24 hours, you've put too few coats on and probably too thick.