Chrome neckseal turned black in storage. Anyone else have this happen?

The same stuff as a normal black one just with a chome looking material applied ot the fabric. It might as well be a black neckseal now :-/
The metallic stuff applied to the cloth may have tarnished (if it's real metal). I'm not sure what it's made off, or how you would go about cleaning it.
Pimp your trooper. :lol

No advice on the neck-seal but Great Barbeque!

Maybe you could hit a hobby-lobby or fabric store and get some more silver fabric paint?
If it's made of liquid-lame-type fabric, I have had that tarnish, too. The metal on the fabric actually oxidizes. As to how to clean it, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do so without damaging the fabric. Probably the gentlest thing to try would be a soak in vinegar and salt. Looking online, another tip for cleaning metallic fabrics is sponging it with methylted spirits.
However, any of this may well completely remove the metallic paint.
I had a pair of lame glove once and put them in a drawer when they were a bit damp and they rusted in spots.
Yeah i have had some of that fabric. It just comes off after awhile,kinda wierd. You might look into another mettalic fabric.