Charles Wallace/EDC Studios???


New Member
Hi All,

Hope you all had a good Xmas.


Back in Sept (when I was still fairly new to the whole prop scene) I ordered from this guy. A PK-D kit.
I got an initial e-mail stating that my order had been received.

I waited for the 4-6 week turnaround and then sent an e-mail politely enquiring about the status of the order.
I heard nothing.
I tried again using a different address. Still nothing.

I joined this forum in November and read a lot about people taking on more than they can handle, items taking longer than expected, so (being the patient person that I am) I waited more.
I sent another e-mail - to every address I could find) just before Xmas and still nothing.

Then earlier today I did a search for him on this site - the words 'Oh dear' aren't really appropriate but you get my meaning. Can't say what I really thought.

Is he that bad?
Am I likely to ever receive my item?
Has anyone actually received items ordered from his website (I understand people have got stuff through Ebay)?
The PayPal deadline has passed. Should I take further steps to get my money back or hang on?

At this moment I just don't want to lose out. Either the goods or the money.

Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.


These are the addresses I have tried to contact him with:
Someone got a link to JediVic's video? :p

Forget about any possibilty of receiving your items or your money from him. From personal experience I can tell you yes, he's that bad.

If your PayPal payment was made by credit card, your credit card company's security dept. should be able to reverse the charges for you regardless of the PayPal deadline.
Welcome to the Board, even if
it IS under some pretty SAD news.... :(

Unfortunately, Ol' CHIP WALLACE is one of the
WORST people to deal with in this hobby . :angry

{ He's been banned off MANY Boards, including this one. }

you "may" get what you paid for one day...

But, as you have already read before, he is
definately NOT to be trusted.

BTW, did you pay with a creidt card ? If so I'd file
a claim and get your money back .

I hate to say it, but I think you are kind of screwed.

He has a pretty spotty track record, and I know of people still waiting on refunds.

I wish ya the best though.
Chip is bad news. He started out as a decent guy, but then was taken over by the dark side. Collecting orders and money but never delivering. He was banned from here a long time ago for ripping people off.

You probably won't see any product or your money again unless you get the authorities involved.

What you can do is get his local authorities involved. Give a call to his local police department and explain what happened. They should put you in touch with the right people, i.e. internet crime and fraud division.

Good luck and hope all works out.

Sorry to hear this John, but you can pretty much kiss your money goodbye. :(
This guy is one of the most crooked people you will find skulking around in this hobby. He is an untrustworthy, thieving scum, & you will be EXTREMELY LUCKY to ever see your money OR goods. As was mentioned earlier, there is a member here who actually had to track him down (& stakeout his home IIRC) & retrieve his stuff in person.

Before I was a member here (& very new as a lurker), I came within a hair's breadth of ordering one of those Blade Runner blasters from his site, when one day I happened to come across one the the many complaint threads concerning EDC. *crisis averted*

I wish there was a way to inform people about this guy before he had a chance to rip-off so many of "us"...
I guess I was lucky when I ordered my Solo blaster from him back in 2002. I probably got it because it was nothing more than a "he receives the items in stock from MR, then ships it on" transaction and not an order for anything custom made by him.

Good luck, I hope you get your product or your money back.
Welcome aboard, John. I wish it were under better circumstances. :(

It simply amazes me that this guy is still able to accept new orders with the horrible reputation that precedes him. In any event, not to hijack this thread but, what is the story behind the PK-D kit that he has been offering? I've read several versions of the story but wasn't sure which one was true.

Best of luck with your transaction.
Definately bad news. He preys on new people in the hobby, those that know him and have dealt with him despise him. Do what ever you can do legally to pursue it, but know it will ba a hard battle to recover anything.
Welcome John.

I used to think Chip was a good guy.

It took me almost two years to receive a lightsaber that was supposed to have a turnaround time of 4 to 6 weeks. And the only reason he sent it was through the threat of legal action when he lived here in New York.

I hope whatever you purchased from him was not a high dollar item because it's going to take some serious tooth-pulling to get it back man. Sorry. :(
He still owes me something as well. Been waiting almost 4 years for it.........LOL

Look him up in or around Beaufort/Savannah Georgia. That was the last place he contacted me from.

Dave :(
I sent him the main components for building a Bowcaster for me. Back when I was on good terms with him and he hadn't ripped me off... He offered to build it for me in return fo him being able to cast it up and offer it as a kit...He stopped returning emails and phone calls from me a long time ago. Recently I spotted him actually selling the parts I sent him on ebay...about 4 years later... Stay away or lose your shirt...

Jedi Dade
EDC stole money from a friend of mine close to 5 years ago, three years later went as far as to give us a false fed-ex tracking number. I have email after email from him claiming the merchandise is on its way... Well, its been 5 years, you do the math. How he can continue to sell on eBay while stealing from people on this board is beyond me.

Here's the FALSE tracking info he sent us:

Date: Fri Jan 28, 2005 10:36:49 AM US/Eastern
Subject: FedEx Ground Pre-Shipment

DAPPD EM0024920182 PRE-DELIVERY ALERT (summary)
PAGE 630
DATE RUN: 1/28/2005
TIME 9:07

This message is to alert you that the following package(s) is(are) due
for delivery by FedEx:

Shipped Scheduled COD Payment
Tracking Id Date Date Type COD
064377510000300 1/27/2005 2/02/2005

Additional detailed information for packages(s) follows ...

Tracking Id....: 064377510000300

Pickup Address: Ship to Address:

110 WHEATFIELD CT 193 xxx Road
BLUFFTON, SC 299105892 xxx, NH 03752

"SHIP TO" Contact Name.......: Rick Cxxxxxxx
Shipped Date.................: 1/27/2005
Estimated Delivery Date......: 2/02/2005
COD Payment Method...........:
COD Amount Due at delivery...: $.00
Service Level................:GND PPD DOM SHPGT
Package Weight...............: 2.00
Alternate Reference Numbers..:

CR PKD-BU XX DummyRecord
08 9612019064377510000300

Shipper Memo.................:

To track the status of this shipment on line please use the following;

This message was generated at the request of the shipper. If you do
not wish to
receive any future messages, please contact the shipper directly.

This message may contain confidential information. If you have
received this
communication in error, please understand that any dissemination or
copying of
this information is strictly prohibited.

* For additional information, please visit us on the Internet at

On Thursday, November 11, 2004, at 06:37 PM, edc_service wrote:

> Rick,
> It seems your e-mails were getting through to this address, just
> dumped into a spam file though. It looks like it started after I
> futzed with the settings, but I set it to accept e-mail from this addy
> of your, so it should no longer be a problem.
> I can have that PKD out to you this coming week for sure, feel free to
> drop me a line mid week for an update
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(vaderdarth @ Dec 28 2006, 10:15 AM) [snapback]1385751[/snapback]</div>
He still owes me something as well. Been waiting almost 4 years for it.........LOL

Look him up in or around Beaufort/Savannah Georgia. That was the last place he contacted me from.

Dave :(

I know Im new here, but I live in Savannah Ga. Maybe I can poke around and see if I can come up with some info on this guys actual location.
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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Darth Vindus @ Dec 28 2006, 04:02 PM) [snapback]1385775[/snapback]</div>
Code of Conduct
Welcome to the Replica Prop Forum.

Established in 1999, this community is a place where people can get together and talk props. The RPF has been, and remains, the "core" of online prop forums. The goal of the RPF is to have a fan, family, and licensee friendly place to discuss props. To meet this goal, all members who join our community are expected to abide by the following rules:

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f. discussion of banned and/or deactivated members, including posts regarding products and services offered by ex-members :angel

Sorry Darth Vindus,

I guess I should have read all the rules.
But, and just to ask the question, if you can't post about ex-members then how can you find anything about them? I can understand comments that are derogatory or insulting about the ex-member should be stopped, but if it's about a product or service then surely asking questions about it should be okay. Otherwise how is one to be protected. Finding a website (like I did) you have no idea whether they are even still trading, never mind being any good, except for basic forms of contact and then you are relying on their word.

But rules are rules.

Thanks for everyones replies. I am in the UK so dealing direct is near impossible or very expensive (imagine the phone bill..) but I did pay by credit card so there is still that route if I chose to go there.

Thanks and apologies again.
