Casual NCR ranger


Well-Known Member
Ok I thought I'd take the plunge and do an NCR Ranger. Well the mask anyway so far.
Heres what I got so far. Just a copuple hours of work while watching Top Gear.
This is the voice amp area.
I'm using the Pep file supplied by supplied by Kommissar..i beleive the file was created by Hugh Holder of the 405th as a pattern but I'm making it out of scrap styrene.

I'm just doing this in my spare time so I'm not going to be whipping through this build.

Anyway heres what I got so far.


Oh btw this wil be my idealized version of the Ranger.
a bit more headway on the Ranger mask. Here it is roughed out of scrap stryrene. Until it's backed with fiberglass and resin, it's been 5 min epoxied.
Actually, this is the Veteran Ranger mask. The "casual" rangers wore a campaign hat (Think Drill Sgt from Full Metal Jacket) and "armor" that looked like the plastic BMX rigs for chest and shoulder protection.

I'm toying with the idea of doing a more casual style ranger myself and wondering if it'd be easier to pep/mold the armor or modding a BMX rig for it.
Thanks guys.. Casual was meant to be my approach to this project. As in work on it in my spare time.

It is indeed the veteran ranger. I'm leaning toward making the entire outfit. Wearable but probably just to stand in the corner of my office. I'm basing this on alot of the concept art so it wont be exact to the promo images or game. More of an idealized version. Basically a mix of in game, promo, and concept art.

Heres the nice reference peices I found for it.

The helmet is where I'm agaonizing. Although I'm leaning toward the helmet liner like Kommissar did. Will probably handle the armor in a smimilar manor.
So far this has cost me exactly $0.00
So I'm trying to see also how cheap I can make this. I expect any money spent will be on the hemet and armor and the 45-70 shells I need to get.
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Was going to say, this doesn't really look like most rangers on New Vegas (Should know,I'm religiously playing it right now :p )

But looking great and looking forward to the finished version.
Well yeah this is the cool one! :) The other Rangers just look like cowboys.

$0? That's my favorite kind of project! Can't wait to see it finished.
another update.
Got the mask with a primer coat on it. Started sanding and repriming and had a happy accident. The dips and such from the body filler actually look like weathering so I'm leaving some of them in. I've strated framing out the eyes and also am trying to decide how to light them.
I also sourced the fittings (brass) for the air tube and the water tube for the side as well as the tubes themselves but they aren't purchased yet.
I think I may need to trim down the plastic on either side of the eye holes to get it to fit in the helmet liner but I have yet to purchase that part so I'm holding off till then.
So far the price is up to about $5.00 for the brass fittings.

Anyway heres the latest pics along with the requisite pic of my ugly mug with it on.
details update.
Added the little spring things on the underside of the mask.
These are yellow on my mask and circled red on the concept drawing. These wil be painted on the final version.
I've also bondoed in the lens frames.
hey. love the complete product. any way i could buy one? if not, could u go into depth of how you made the mask? i have all the materials and have lots of fiberglass.