captain carter site


Well-Known Member
Anybody ever dealt with this captain carter tailor that has a website?
At one time she was making costumes but my account has supposedly become inactive without my use of the forum and it says that they are not allowing any registrations. Anybody know the status of that site?
It's my understanding that she does not really make costumes anymore.

Active work life, active social life, costumes are just for fun now and then I believe.
Yeah it's a shame but from what I have heard she isout of the business now. :(
Actually she stopped making costumes for a while

She has actually returned to it, and slowly getting back into it (she's working on my Obi-Wan costume as we speak...wool robe included).

As of recently she's suffered the loss of her brother to a stroke... so her and her family are dealing with that. Definitely keeping her in our prayers.