Captain America: The First Avenger Costume NEW PROGRESS PICS!


Active Member
Found a pep file of the movie styled helmet over at the 405th and decided to give it a shot. So far, I have just pepped and resined it. Need to find my fiberglass cloth and mat to proceed further. It's a really decent file that could be used for a variety of masks/helmets. I'm thinking of using it to make the Ultimates vol.2 mask as well.

Anyone have any ideas on the ear and strapping incorporated into the film helmet? I'm at a loss for it. Not real knowlegeable when it comes to military gear.
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Re: First Avenger Helmet

Minor update...sanded, resined, sanded, primed, resined, sanded again. Fiberglass cloth added to the inside of the helmet.
Re: First Avenger Helmet

It looks like custom Leather work!!!!

I have not been able to find a really good clear Pic of it though!!

We are looking!!
Re: First Avenger Helmet

It looks like custom Leather work!!!!

I have not been able to find a really good clear Pic of it though!!

We are looking!!

Awesome. Thank you. I was afraid it'd be custom LOL. I'll figure something out when I get to that stage, I guess.

Don't have pics taken yet but I've made some good progress. Resined...sanded...wash...rinse...repeat. :lol
I'll try to get pics up soon.
Re: First Avenger Helmet

Here's the pics. Since these I have resined, sanded and primed again so I can better see the imperfections.
Re: First Avenger Helmet

that's looking great so far, I gotta start building a ultimates helmet for myself,(there's plenty out there but none will fit my big head)..
Re: First Avenger Helmet

Here's where it's at right now. Nearly finished. Minor imperfections still, but when I get the body filler that should all go away pretty swiftly.
Re: First Avenger Helmet

Been a while since I updated last. Life sorta got in the way here but here's where I'm at now...body filler then a bunch of sanding...long ways to go on it yet.
Re: First Avenger Helmet

Thanks. I need to get some photos of its current state. I've pretty much sanded the present layer of body filler as much as I possibly can so now I need to go back and fill in all of the small pits and holes from the body filler. I expect to have it done fairly soon. I have to check yet to see how much body filler i have. May have to go buy some more. Not sure just yet. Need to find it first. Moved last week so some of my supplies are still unaccounted for. It was a hasty move. Kind of rushed due to the circumstances so I wasn't too organized when I packed. I was more focused on removing my son from a bad situation.
Re: First Avenger Helmet

Looking awesome man! I'm working on the same thing right now. It's actually my first project ever, so I'm checking out your pics for guidance. I'm many steps behind you at the moment. Keep it up!
Re: First Avenger Helmet

Looking awesome man! I'm working on the same thing right now. It's actually my first project ever, so I'm checking out your pics for guidance. I'm many steps behind you at the moment. Keep it up!

Awesome. Looking forward to seeing your progress, too.
Re: First Avenger Helmet

I was able to get one pic before my phone died on me. I need to fill all the holes and pits still but the roundness is there now.
Re: First Avenger Helmet

Here's the absolute latest I have done. Mixed up a somewhat thicker batch of rondo and used a brush to coat the outside, paying particular attention to the pits and holes. Once it dries, I'll sand it again and take some more pics, including one of it actually on my noggin as I received a request for that in a recent PM. :)
Re: First Avenger Helmet

Here's a few since sanding the rondo coating. Had to hold it in place on my head. I plan on adding padding inside so I made it a bit bigger than my head.
Re: First Avenger Helmet

Damn near done on the sanding here. I've been thinking and I have an idea I'd figured I'd run by everyone here. There's still a few small pits and such on the helmet but it is otherwise nice and rounded and smooth. I had the thought to paint the pits and holes to look like battle damage...maybe like where it'd been hit by gun shots or something to that effect. Should I do that or would it be better to just continue on and make it as rounded and pristine as I can?
Re: First Avenger Helmet NEW PROGRESS PICS!

I know it's tempting to go the battle damaged route, but stick with it mate. Fill in the spots and get it pristine. You'll be really really glad you did. It's not the easy route, but then who ever started this hobby because it's easy? ;P
Re: First Avenger Helmet NEW PROGRESS PICS!

I wasn't really concerned with easier. I'm talking which will look cooler. So far, this helmet's been one of the easiest pep builds I've done. Probably due to the lack of details compared to an Iron Man piece, for example.