captain america shied 1940's Need advice


Sr Member
So I got the 1940's captain america shield yesterday from sideshow - manufactured by museum replicas...

either way - i got it. It's pretty impressive but there's a dent in it! argh! right behind where a bolt was attached to hold the handle - I guess they screwed or whammed it in too hard.

What should I do? Sideshow says they're sold out - and since there are only 250 of these made I may not get a replacement. I could probably fix it myself with a rubber mallet - but knowing me I may get carried away and screw it up more. What should I do? fix it and have something.. or return it and possibly not have it at all?

It's not really a "dent" because it came like that - and the dent was because of the manufacturer not the owner.. I'm not sure what to do..

let me know your thoughts please. =)



Personally? I'd put more dents in and weather it, so it looks like something that actually came from WW2. It would be quite a project.

My worry is that if you try to hammer the other side with a mallet, there is a slight chance that the paint might crack off. So perhaps try this first, and if it fails, then take the shield as an upgrade project.
Well, there's always the option of sending it back. That's probably not on your list of "favorite things to do".

If you want a pristine shield, though, I don't see much in the way of options. If you try to correct that, you'll have a whole repaint job on your hands, guaranteed.

Then you might as well have made it yourself.

I'd say try to contact the consumer department and find out what your options are. Its a sweet item. Too bad your experience was pooped on by poor quality control at the manufacturer.

Ugh - doing a new paint job would be a real pain in the butt for me..

But it may be the only way if I try and fix this guy.

urgh.. sending it back will probably mean that I will still be left without a shield. - I'll try and contacting customer service again to see if they Definitely can send me a replacement. They gave me some wishy washy answer yesterday.

irishamericanlad- you're absolutely right - I should have bought them from you.. I saw your posts on the junkyard back in the day.. your shields look fabulous.

CSMacLaren - That is definitely an option - I'll definitely consider it.. or I can just tell people that the dent was where the Hulk hit it or something.. (no that's not in the comic books - the Hulk and cap fought once but Cap had the round shield - but hey..who's going to know right?) :rolleyes

sigh.. in the end.. you win some and you lose some.

yah i dont nail or screw in my handles, i either weld them or JB Weld them, either way i only had a problem once and that was bad JB Weld past its date, so i made a new shield for them...

Ugh - doing a new paint job would be a real pain in the butt for me..

But it may be the only way if I try and fix this guy.

urgh.. sending it back will probably mean that I will still be left without a shield. - I'll try and contacting customer service again to see if they Definitely can send me a replacement. They gave me some wishy washy answer yesterday.

irishamericanlad- you're absolutely right - I should have bought them from you.. I saw your posts on the junkyard back in the day.. your shields look fabulous.

CSMacLaren - That is definitely an option - I'll definitely consider it.. or I can just tell people that the dent was where the Hulk hit it or something.. (no that's not in the comic books - the Hulk and cap fought once but Cap had the round shield - but hey..who's going to know right?) :rolleyes

sigh.. in the end.. you win some and you lose some.

does anyone have a good picture of the back of the 1940s cap shield? "handles" question more than anything