"Captain America, how exciting!" TWS TFA Rescue USO and Ultimates WW2

Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" Now with Winter Soldier Concept Art

"Is it live or is it memorex!"

That's a fair request.

Here are the first and second version of card #2. The first one had an underscore under the O and a larger and more slanted number. The picture is also larger, both surface area and zoom, and the colored border is slightly too thick.
The second version has the correct border, number and lettering. The size of the picture is correct but the image is slightly zoomed in more than the Efx card and the colors on the fake are darker than the original.

My version of damaged card 10 is lighter in color than the original.

My cards aren't as evenly cut thanks to the kitchen scissors, need a cutting board.

Also my cards are not as thick as the Efx and the printing on the back is not as clear on the very fine print. May be due to scaling of the image to get the correct printed size or DPI on the printer.

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Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" Now with Winter Soldier Concept Art

These look awesome. Really love the invented cards.

Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" Now with Winter Soldier Concept Art

Take the uncut sheets to an Officemax, Staples, Kinkos or some other place like that that has a print center. Dpending on how big you print the sheets out on, they should have either a ream cutter or a trim cutter you can use. If you are doing one run at a time, go with trim cutter. If you are doing multiple sheets, go with the ream to start and trim if needed.

The cards look amazing and nice use of the RPF members projects and work in your project.

Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" Now with Winter Soldier Concept Art

Thanks for the praise on the cards.
I doubt that I will make more than the one set that I have.... unless we have some really good WW2 flashbacks in CA2 TWS.

From the Avengers deleted scenes, there was only one good image and I didn't use it in the current run of cards so I need 8 more pictures for an entire sheet.

It would have been easier to make an entire sheet of one card and find a cutting board but then I'd have serious extras that I couldn't sell and don't want to give away.
Funny but Coulson had extra's there are clearly visible when Fury is confronted by Hill about the cards being in the locker.

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Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" Now with Winter Soldier Concept Art

First work on the TFA Hero suit. Since I wasn't able to find the correct HBT fabric going to have a go with a pair of Fisher Stripe Painters pants.

I have a good idea how to panel the top half of the pants but looking at the pictures of the UD Replica suits I have no idea what it should be just above the boots. :confused

The back of the pants have two large patch pockets that I have no plan to remove.... just add the flap covers and I most likely will not add the long strip of fabric that runs down the back of each leg.


Also, wish I had a camera ready today. There was a WLA headed the opposite direction when I was on the way to the airport, best part, the rider was in full kit.
Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" Now with Winter Soldier Concept Art

Good call on the pants. Those are really good images front and back.

The sizing of the Pointer Brand pants mirrors that of Dockers.

I have a pair of Berne Coveralls on the way to cut up for the patches. Saved $20 compared to getting a second pair of pants. Hope the fisher stripe is similar enough.

The plan is to sew everything up and then do a redye with Rit Dye. Don't know if it will be a color remove and then redye or straight redye. I would like to maintain the contrast of the material.
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Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" Now with Winter Soldier Concept Art

Excellent find on those pants! Much more worth it to do the pants your way than to make them from scratch. Less expensive too.

I'm sure you will be able to get them the correct color.

As far as patterns go, what you have is exactly what I did for my pattern. Also, if you use the auction catalog pic (download the props catalog-sure you already have it) it's on page 67 and you can blow it up to 900% without it really distorting too much. That's pretty much the life size too.
Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" TWS concept and TFA

That's a good endorsement.

I have the auction catalog and think I have a good close second for the front patches.

I hope the gray webbing on the shoulders is 2 inches wide.

First because that is what I ordered from Strapworks.
Second, I don't want to redraw this.

I used a close up of the production UD replica suit and zoomed in until the strap was 2 inches and then pulled all the measurements from that.
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Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" TWS concept and TFA

Hope so.

SGmorton wrote in his TFA build that work suits are not very good. That may still be true but has some interesting 'unintended' results with one package of Rit Dye Remover Powder and the washing machine set on Medium, Warm for an hour.

This is supposed to be the sleeves....and...... as you can see they are not white.

Top is with flash, bottom natural-ish light.

The elbow patch is the back pocket from the Pointer pants. I didn't care about the shape and just stitched them on the Berne suit sleeves since they will be obscured by straps and a shield.

What is interesting is how the two different fabrics turned out rather well without any dye. The Pointer retaining the white better that the Berne which is a consistent/even blue.

The disappointing thing is I wanted both fabrics to emerge white. So how many packets of Remover am I going to need?
I only have one left.....So much for doing the ACU sleeves.
Edit: Also the tread on the Pointer pants is not effected by the dye. Good bet that it is not cotton.
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Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" TWS concept and TFA

Based on the color remove, I will be doing more than the front of the pants. So I have to make up patterns for the back of the pants and the bottom cuff using the auction catalog.
The only deviation will be the addition of patch pockets with flaps.

The sleeves are after a second wash, the top two patches are sewn on the other three was just placed on.
Have yet to open any of the seams on the pants but have a feeling I will need to do so tomorrow.
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Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" TWS concept and TFA

Yes, they are work pants with the reinforced patches made from a similar work suit.

Ciano930, if I can do this anyone can.
The people to be amazed by, and there are many to list so I apologize if I miss you... no insult intended, are SGmorton, Steamshovel, Finhead, Kevin Gossett, Sandman, Merklebell, Graphic Jordon, Rikarus, Chris Evans, The Man ..... I'm just Tailpipe Charlie following the rest of the formation and trying to do so without a proper budget.

So with further delay, I submit for your approval. Captain America from the waist down.

Other than the jump boots which still need the top cuff, nothing here is proper, just a best hash.

Edit: Oh, and the Cap uses an almost a George Washington blouse for his pants at the top of his boots. I always hated the pegleg look so I will retain the Airborne "Devils in Baggy Pants" look until I get the boot cuff.
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