Captain America Costume from The First Avenger Movie

I don't LOVE IT but i do like the look. I DO love the shield though. Looks so badass. I'm very excited for next summer with Thor, Green Lantern AND Cap :)
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More pics from here -

New Captain America Set Pictures Reveal Full Costume And Motorcycle Chase!




I like the idea for the modern suit. I just hope that it's not the WW2 era one, as it doesn't look quite right on the shoulders etc.

Aside from that minor gripe, it looks damned good!
One thing that bothers me from those pictures (other than the fact the stunt double looks very little like Chris Evans :D ) is the Shield has a silver star and stripe instead of white... and the red is muted too... (and i know its metalic, but i would prefer true red white and blue on the shield at least)
One thing that bothers me from those pictures (other than the fact the stunt double looks very little like Chris Evans :D ) is the Shield has a silver star and stripe instead of white... and the red is muted too... (and i know its metalic, but i would prefer true red white and blue on the shield at least)

Yeah, it's anodized not painted. Is there white anodizing?
BTW guys, they did confirm that the suit will make a transformation in the movie. If you guys wanted to see some good articles about the movie, look for UK based sites. This one is actually a genuine pic from a Captain America article from last week.

Great pic but I'd take it with a grain of salt as to it being a good reference to what the present day suit will look like.

Here's a shot of the original image created by Jeff Miller. You can see it was posted early last year. Jeff or someone else has tweaked it to create this Cap pic.

Pixologic Superhero | Wasabi 3D - Blog
saw that today over at

I think the suit looks incredible, and am much more excited about this movie.

Right now though, its a close race between Thor and Green Lantern for my most anticpated movie next summer. Cap is catching up quickly though

Edit: yes that is his WWII costume which they say goes through a number of different changes as the movie progresses. I'm willing to bet that the movie will end with Cap being handed a new suit in the modern day

Edit the edit: More pictures from EW's story on Captain America.. Check em out Here

Even MORE excited now. ahhh

I can't wait to see someone replicate this suit. It looks so cool
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Awesome! More pics! Looks like he'll be going through at least 3 suits! 2 suits from the 40's and a present day suit. At least I'm hoping he does.
BTW guys, they did confirm that the suit will make a transformation in the movie. If you guys wanted to see some good articles about the movie, look for UK based sites. This one is actually a genuine pic from a Captain America article from last week.


Man this is awesome, when I first heard that Chris Evans was The Capt is wasn't to sure , but now I'm starting to get pumped up for this movie :eek
Edit the edit: More pictures from EW's story on Captain America.. Check em out Here

A couple of quick observances on the costumes and equipment...

First pic: M-1C (swivel-bale) jump helpmet with khaki A-straps in the liner. Looks to have some modified M-43 suspenders, and the cross strap appears to be from a M-1938 Map case through a compass pouch.

Third pic: Standard M-1916 holster, and wearing rigger modified M-42 jump pants (82nd Airborne style based on the leg tie).

And previously posted pics seem to show his boots are an amalgamation of jump boots with a double-buckle boot top attached. The uniform appears to be made of herringbone twill.

Really looking forward to seeing this!!
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