Captain America Costume from The First Avenger Movie

Heres a cool manip from superherohype, I agree with this I would like to see a third strap.
Awww, what's wrong with the suspenders look?

I see what you mean about the third strap but I personally prefer just the two :) To each his own....can't wait to see an actual suit now that we have this art!
I have a feeling the wings will be on his USO costume, ( the campy entertainer one ) and we will probably receive some in joke much like the yellow spandex comment from x-men
I hope Jim Lee gets some royalties from these images!



i like that they recreated some old cap poses for the concept art....

but i'm also lol'ing at the subtitle on that second cover

Captain America
Balck Widow
Together again --
for the

slight contradiction
"Together again for the first time" has been used on sooooo many comic covers. I wish someone compiled a compilation of them.
Nice one Ramiel, The wings are truly needed with cap. How a concept artist misses that little touch is beyond me, It's like a Ford Mustang with out the Horse emblem.
My new theory, after seeing the very similar style of the Thor images, is that this was commisioned art by Marvel's marketing group or something. Like they took some photos of Chris Evans and Chris Helmsworth in the costumes and then sent them to a digital painter to make them look more "comic-ey." Seems odd that two movies would use the same concept designer and both have hyper realistic images using the faces of the actual actors. Seems fishy to me.
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