All toes were hand made thus the variations in size and shape. Remember folks this was done on a budget in order to spend more money on replica props and this was made in less than two days.
PaperClay - 2 @ $7.99 each
Acrylic paint - 3 colors @$1.99 each
Acrylic press on nails - 1 set of 50 for $6.99
Hemp string - 1 spool for $2.99
Grand total of $34.00
Plaster molds (messy and take too long to dry), liquid latex or resin medium to cast toes from the molds (single bottle of flesh liquid latex runs about $20.00 expensive and messy), colors added to the latex (no idea of costs), and more realistic nails (expensive or harder to find).
$34.00 is mere pocket change for a prop to be used maybe 2 - 3 times and than hung on a wall somewhere.
I am investing more time, money, and effort into the cannibal scepter (completed) and the crown (in construction phase).
Toe necklace - All in all inexpensive, quickly made, and realistic enough for my needs. I'm making them for Halloween...not for a movie or prop house.
Color variation because the Pelegostos are not selective as to the color of their meat! They are Equal Opportunity Cannibals!!!