Can you import a Sterling Model Gun Deactivated from the UK to US?


Active Member
Hopefully someone knows this?

Can I have a Deactivated Sterling shipped from the UK to the US? Without problems from customs?
How could a Sterling be imported legally into the US? If it was shipped to a Gunshop or a Gun Smith would that work?

Thanks for the response
Best bet is to find a kit or one already deactivated here in the US. Currently ATF regs won't even let the barrel through. You'd have to have the gun/receiver tube torch cut into pieces and I think they're currently requiring 2 chunks at least 1 inch long of the receiver (1 from the front & 1 from the back) not be included in the parts to even have a chance of it making through customs.
Best bet is to find a kit or one already deactivated here in the US. Currently ATF regs won't even let the barrel through. You'd have to have the gun/receiver tube torch cut into pieces and I think they're currently requiring 2 chunks at least 1 inch long of the receiver (1 from the front & 1 from the back) not be included in the parts to even have a chance of it making through customs.

And you need to file BATF paperwork and get clearance and approval to import, and yes they are going to want it cut into at least 3 pieces, and the barrel is now illegal to import as said...

There is simply no real advantage to attempt to 'legally' import one into the US, everything weights in favor of simply getting one that is already here...
And don't forget State dept approval

Well technically once you get BATF approval to import, what you would be importing is no longer a firearm it's just a pile of scrap metal and misc gun parts... Most local areas don't have restrictions on scrap metal or simple gun parts with the exception of say the high capacity clip...
Well technically once you get BATF approval to import, what you would be importing is no longer a firearm it's just a pile of scrap metal and misc gun parts... Most local areas don't have restrictions on scrap metal or simple gun parts with the exception of say the high capacity clip...

If i remember correctly, the demilling is to eliminate the machingun classification (torch cutting the receiver) and to comply with the ban on importation of barrels (cutting the barrels). You are still importing gun parts (ie the bolt, carrier, firing pin, stock etc) To import gun parts you must get State dept approval. Then you can comply with atf regs.
That makes no since. Since Its a model gun that was originally designed to fire blanks or caps. You can purchase a Blank firing thompson and a STG44 for 600-700 here on the internet no problem and have it shipped to you. Why cant you have a blank firing sterling imported to you that is deactivated to boot. The laws make no sence.
That makes no since. Since Its a model gun that was originally designed to fire blanks or caps.

A real Sterling SMG is not a model. It is a fully automatic 9mm weapon. Maybe you are looking for the MGC (Model Gun Company) Sterling that was used in ROTJ. I do not think that you would have any issue impact that MODEL / TOY.

I do not think that you would have any issue impact that MODEL / TOY.

Yeah you shouldn't have an issue with a model or toy gun as long as it's not made from real gun parts...

Not to say it will be no problem there is always the chance customs might get suspicious and hold or intercept the package, but they should clear it once they determine it to be a non-gun...
You confused everyone by using the word 'deactivated' along with 'gun' which makes folks immediately thinkl of a real firearm that has been renedered inoperable by a deactivation process.

You should have referred to it as a PFC model gun - which has never been a firearm and incidentaly neither can they fire blanks.


I wonder how many signatures it would take to get one of the Airsoft companies to make Sterlings? Like those Facebook "1,000,000 names for_______" lists? Maybe a deluxe metal version, and cheap plastic springers too!


Hopefully someone knows this?

Can I have a Deactivated Sterling shipped from the UK to the US? Without problems from customs?

The answer (as others have replied) is a flat out "NO, zero chance.".

I have even less than zero chance, living in Australia.

Why not make your own out of a piece of PVC tubing for the receiver and some MDF for the grip and mag?

There are plenty of places online with detailed plans (such as Air Gun Plans) or you could easily work out your own from the many photos of a Sterling SMG found online with Google.
and thus the true impact of the auto weapons ban is felt. buttheads. isn't there supposed to be some kind of provision for antiques/curiosities on things like this?

"Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms" should be the name of a convenience store, not a government agency.