Can we keep the Junkyard somewhat on topic?

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Master Member
The Junkyard has become a flea market...something for everyone. It's tough to keep a prop related thread floating on the first couple of pages.

The JY moves so fast now with everything from auction notices to toy sales it's a real chore to wade through the crap to get to the props.

Since it's a prop forum shouldn't the items in the JY be at least prop related?

Just sayin'
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It really has gotten bad.

It once went without saying it was a prop related sales area.

Right now, in the first 2 pages you can find PC games, 12" action figures, cell phones and assorted keychains.

Now, I don't have anything against the people who list these things but there's a reason they haven't put it on Ebay...nobody wants it there either!

I'm just suggesting we shouldn't lose sight of why we're all here in the first place. We keep the main forum on topic so the junkyard should be no different.

It's Frustrating. :angry
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I dont think it is fair to limit what people here can sell but at the same time I can understand some of the frustration. LEts wait for some other suggesitons to roll in and there may be something there that is a viable solution.
I dont think it is fair to limit what people here can sell but at the same time I can understand some of the frustration. LEts wait for some other suggesitons to roll in and there may be something there that is a viable solution.

SOme boards Ive seen go so far as to list whether the item is EUROPE, WORLDWIDE or US only sales and have sections to fit.

DOnt think need go that far but these subsections do work ok -I think an OT Junkyard with clear rules on what goes where would be good.

If its ontopic enough enough to post in either of the 4 main forum topics then its good enough for the legit Junkyard - if not its the OT Junkayard.

Perhaps a new name is required for the new forum section. Frontyard ??since items might be more appropriately sold at garage sales?

Any better names as thats pretty crappy:lol
I think that a sub-forum should be added to the JY for the sale of "off-topic" items (items that don't fit into the four main forums).

I believe that a number of items are missed by members because of prop runs/interest lists having to compete with non-prop related items.
Thanks for the suggestion, we'll have to take a look at that. On one hand I, for one, hesitate to overcompartmentalize, but the reasons given are pretty sound. We'll ponder on it! :)
I'm not suggesting anything exotic, here.

Just two options. "Props" and "Other"

That should fix things just fine.
I like the idea of an OT Junkyard -- I've pawned off some non-prop stuff. It would also (hopefully) slow down the numerous bumps that occur.
I can see the reason behind there being so many "OT" sales threads in the JY. People are more comfortable selling here than on eBay because we are, for the most part, a very tight-knit community. That said, a subdivision would be nice. I still buy some non prop goodies from here and would hate to lose that over a small reaction by a few people.

I remember when the anti-OT people used to beat us over the head for OT posts. Counting our percentage of posts and on which forums. I am glad those days are gone.
I wouldn't call it a small reaction from, "A few people," I'd call it a sincere concern from key people.

By key, I mean prop collectors and prop makers. The nuts and bolts of this forum.

Above all else, this is a prop forum. It's the one reason everyone is here.

There are other forums to discuss and sell action figures, lunchboxes, video games, etc.

There's nothing wrong with those items or those who enjoy them, but we certainly don't discuss them in our main forum.

It only stands to reason that if the only place we're permitted to offer the very things that we collect and manufacture is indeed in the 'junkyard' then why should it be any different than the main forum and left as an 'anything goes' area for direct sales, interest, etc.?

The driving force behind this hobby is the act of purchasing, selling and manufacturing props...period.

The current area made available to us in which to do this is littered with "off topic" items.

It's frustrating for the prop makers and the prop collectors.

With an off topic area, everyone wins.
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I agree with you mostly Rylo, however, looking at the statistics of the RPF the most popular forum is the Prop Forum, not the JY, and the most poular thread is in SS Modelling, not the JY.

So, my concern is the JY and sales/auction stuff is expanding bigger and bigger and I worry about too much JY (i.e. multiple JY forums) taking too much attention away from the active prop building activities. With a second JY the RPF would be 50%/50% prop building activities...

Prop Forum, Costuming, General Modeling, SS Modelling
Community Gatherings, Junkyard, OT Junkyard, Off-Topic

An OT Junkyard would be specifically created to not be prop related and I'm not certain that is a good direction to go with this forum... On the other hand, since the content is already there it would be nice to be able to look at the JY and not see all the OT sales threads...
I'm not suggesting anything exotic, here.

Just two options. "Props" and "Other"

That should fix things just fine.

I'm with Rylo on this one.

I can certainly see the appeal of buying/selling action figures, accessories, video games, etc. through this forum. We are drawn to this forum by a common interest in the physical manifestation of popular culture. If you care enough about a particular work of entertainment to want to replicate a prop from it, there's a good chance you'll be interested in the ancillary merchandising to a certain extent as well. Some things (like movie posters, artwork, etc.) are often used to enhance prop displays. There are also plenty of reasons to want to avoid eBay.

I can also sympathize with the frustration of those who put a great deal of time and effort into offering something directly related to one of the main forum categories only to be lost in the shuffle.

Two JY categories seem appropriate and, if respected by the users, would require little intervention by the moderators. "Props" would encompass original and replica props (or parts), costumes, models and found items. "Other" could include anything else...DVDs, books, tools, figures, posters, whatever. There would be a few things that might go either way (display cases, custom display plaques or services like painting or sculpting, for example), but I wouldn't think anyone is going to get too bent out of shape over something genuinely close.
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