Can someone machine these parts for me?


Well-Known Member
EDIT: Look below (4th post)at my picture of my control box. I need 2 of the copper top part made along with the part that the box attatches to.(just the alu. cylinder between the pommel and ringed part.
I have measurements of these parts and can send specs to you.
Please, LMK if you can help.

I got a J&E (I think) off ebay and well, I'm a little disapointed. Can someone tell me why the control box sits in the wrong place (2mm forward instead of 2mm back) and WHY would they make the copper part that holds the circuit board 2mm smaller than the whole control box???
Was it done on purpose or just lazy research??
Even my control box from Viper doesn't have the right size "copper top". :eek
I've been trying to find a box that's like the one on the MOM saber w/ no luck.
Is the MOM saber the same as the one used in the film? Becuase when I look at the CBs the copper top parts look smaller in the film than the pics I see of the MOM saber.
Maybe I'm stupid for not just buying a MR. :cry

The saber and CB's are not bad,and are crafted well, but I'm going to a local machine shop and hopefully he'll be able to make me a new copper peices for my boxes just so I can get them a little more accurate.
Then I can use my J&E as a MOM replica and my saber w/ Viper box as a "reveal sbaer". B)
Well, There weren't as many references back when Janice made her sabers...When I entered the scene they were just about top of the line.

A Beautiful base saber that can be easily upgraded. V2, shared stunt, hero Luke...I have one from her first run...(seen on my banner).

I've left the box the way it is, but built my own box for another replica I used to have.

Just for the heck of it, here's my, Uh, my son's J&E with my (for all intents and pourposes MR) Luke "Hero"...
Ahh, so that gold colored saber is the J&E? Mine's different than that.
I have a local machinist, I'm trying to get him to make some parts for this sabr and a copper top for my Viper box.
Only problem is this guy is giving me a hard time about useing copper.

Here's the one I just got. I'm happy with it except the copper part is too short and the screws are wrong. And my Viper box looks great except it's 51mm and it doesn't leave the 2mm space on either of my sabers. For some reason that bugs the hell out of me. Plus the top could be a little wider but, it doesn't bother me that much.
Originally posted by Darth_Pain@Mar 14 2006, 01:03 PM
This is what I'm crying about. :$

Hmm, I have one that looks just like that, was never too thrilled with the control box, but hey, ebay + the right price = sale
Hey, for anyone that has the same control box as the one I have pictured.
I can get some made that are 59mm long. That's the right size for the rest of the box. I may even be able to get some new buttons made.
The machinist said 1 will cost me $75 so, I'd like to get as many people in as I can so the price will drop.
Idealy 10 people will drop the price considerably.
If you want one, just post interest.
Originally posted by Darth_Pain@Mar 16 2006, 02:00 PM
Can someone HELP meeeee?

I may be interested in going in with you. I've never made a saber before, so where would I get the other parts? What's the difficulty level?
Thanks, sidewinder
I sent russrep an email.

Darth Nickel- That's great but, I have no idea were you could get all the other parts. BUT, If I can get these parts made I may have my xtra Luke "hero" saber F/S.
Originally posted by Darth_Nickel+Mar 17 2006, 11:10 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Darth_Nickel @ Mar 17 2006, 11:10 PM)</div>
@Mar 16 2006, 02:00 PM
Can someone HELP meeeee?

I may be interested in going in with you. I've never made a saber before, so where would I get the other parts? What's the difficulty level?

Just let me know. I'm interested.