Building the Trek Enterprise Rifle HELP !!!


Sr Member
OK, I tried to get a cast copy of the Rifle to no avail.

I have a shop and want to try a scratch build - but i need reference and SPECS - measurements - if anyone has them and might provide them.

I am reworking another project - but the rifle is on the project list. :love

Can Anyone HELP?
Or MACO rifle.
not the same thing... The Jem hadar was the first use of the Enterprise rifle....or atleast the same basic weapon.

The macos do however use the Enterprise rifle in some episode but they have their own cooler and slimmer Maco rifles..
Well I have trying to research the rifle with a few pics and trying to make some measurements. I found a side view photo of the prop, took some known measurements and then used a photoshop grid scale. For anyone interested I am posting the photo with the measurement grid.

Still looking for anyone with a resin kit BEFORE I try the build.

OK - I found the Nerf Bow toy the Enterprise Rifle might have been based on. It does not seem to be worth obtaining just to build the prop. :cry

SEE ATTACHED: The Buzz Bee Power Bow !
OK .... NEVER MIND .... Erase Erase Erase. :cry

"MustangGTR1 - The Kev" saved the day. :love

"The Kev" Armory has provided an excellent kit of the fabled Enterprise Rifle. I can just set back - and wait at my mail box for the next week waiting for it to arrive. :love

No sense re-inventing the wheel.

Thanks ALL !!!
