BTTF2 Pit Bull Hoverboard


Well-Known Member
I was just farting around bay and I always do a search for "hoverboards" and the first thing to pop up this morning was a screen used Pit Bull going for $25,000. Just wanted to share.
A little steep for my blood... but cool!

Speaking of Pit Bull, does anyone know the thickness of the Pit Bull board? I know the Marty is 1" but wasn't sure if anyone had specs on the the thickness of the Pit Bull.

A little steep for my blood... but cool!

Speaking of Pit Bull, does anyone know the thickness of the Pit Bull board? I know the Marty is 1" but wasn't sure if anyone had specs on the the thickness of the Pit Bull.


I bet if you call them they can tell you...

Hollywood P.A.R.T.S.
12580 Saticoy St. #A
North Hollywood, CA 91605
Phone: 818-255-0617
Pitbull hoverboard from Back to the Future II

Thats a link to the Biff board from the auctioneers.

Jamiemcshan, I dont have the specs of the big board. Ive got a image of the Biff board which shows a good representation of the thickness. Hope this helps!

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just think, 4 more years and these are real!!!

very good chance slf lacing shoes will filed the patents not long ago - dnt be shocked if in 2015 on the same day marty went to 2015 sees a release of a self lacing shoe