BSG "clash of ages" build


New Member
Hi, ive been thinking of making a "clash of ages"scene for my display shelf, im thinking an original series viper and new series viper in battle against an original series cylon ship and new series cylon ship, i was wondering if this can be achieved with already available kits (ie all in similar scale) and if so what kits would people recommend.

Any thoughts, suggestions etc? im asking around a few sites to see what help or info i can get


Well, the Revell viper (original series) and the Moebius Mk.2 are in the same scale (1/32)- but I don't know about Cylon Raiders. Hopefully somebody else on the boards an help you out with that part.

Good Luck!
I have to beleive that Moebius is going to EVENTUALLY put out a
nu-raider ...

But there are a couple of kits (resin) out there that are close enough that it would look good if not "perfect"...

Jedi Dade
You'd need to for the TOS raider go with the studio scale version, which depending on who you talk to is 1/35 or 1/32, and use the 1/32 vipers (MK 2 mobius/TOS revell).

As far as Nu raider goes, hold your breath for the Mobius one as that's you best bet for one in 1/32 . . . the only ones around otherwise are in 1/24 (too big) and 1/48 (too small) when compared to the Revell/mobius Viper. Supposidly Mobius is releasing a 1/32 Mk VII as well sometime soon, so you have that going for you too . . .


I know moebius announced a new series Raider earlier this year, but I haven't heard anything about scale (though I'd geuess it'll be 1/32) or a release date.
cheers guys, so sounds like 1/32 is scale to go for, and ill check out the recommended kits, cheers guys

of course now im thinking should i include a raptor and heavy raider in the display hehe
