Bruce Willis as John McClane – Die Hard Statue 1/6 Scale


New Member
Hello there from Germany!
I am more a reader than a writer – I normally use this place as an inspiration and a reference source. But maybe it could be fun not just to post in a sculpting forum.

Here is my John McClane statue from Die Hard I.
Most of it made of Apoxie Sculpt – all in all in 1/6th scale. Enjoy!




Woah! :eek

That's one of the best sculpts/paint jobs I've seen for a long time! Really amazing! Especially considering it's 1:6 scale!:thumbsup
The only thing that looks a bit off are the trousers - the front looks a bit to new/stiff/statue like.
I wish I had the skill to do something like that!

That statue is truly unbelievable. The attention to detail is ridiculous and his facial expression is spot on. I literally can hear him saying

"Just a fly in the ointment Hans. The monkey in the wrench"

Thank you.

I literally can hear him saying
"Just a fly in the ointment Hans. The monkey in the wrench"

:lol I really had to think about what scene you mean, because Hans was renamed into Jack in the german version. I have been knowing that fact for years but there is still the Jack-Sound in my ear.
At that time, the mid-80's, the terrorist group "Rote Armee-Fraktion" ("Red Army Fraction") was still roaming around killing people here in Germany, so the German editors thought German terrorists as the bad guys were too delicate. So they tried to paint it over by using English names. Stupid, but the german words in that movie were rubbish anyway... "Schieß dem Fenster." :lol
Wow, one of my favorite charactors of all time, I would love to have a go at somthing like that.

Great work. Can you give us few details of skin tone work etc,

Thank you.

Can you give us few details of skin tone work etc,

I wish I could... I do it by instinct. I use different flat skin tone acrylics as a kind of primer, and after it I use lots of pastels (about 30 different) for shades, scars, nuances etc. Then I give it a coat of a flat - or here semi-flat because of the sweat - varnish. But there are really too many colours to make a useful list. Chest and arm hair was done with well sharpened aquarell pencils - and the tattoo too. Blood is done with clear red and a warm tar black... the ring is plated with real gold.
Beautiful work.
I've been working in mostly 1:6th for a while now and I'm nowhere near this.
I have zero sculpting skills, I'm just a customizer. This is truly a work of art.