Brass Plating


Sr Member
I've seen several electroplating kits around for doing silver, gold, brass and such but from what I've seen and read they produce a very thin plating.

I'm looking for something more substantial, something that will be able to be weathered and rubbed a bit without wearing through.

Any ideas?
It really depends on what it is.
I may as well jus thave it made from real brass by the time you add up cost versus having a decent replica. And I would also check my local palters in town, to see what they have to offer.
It just really depends.
Ohh.. i too am interested in brass plating though not for props.
I am into watches recently and was wondering if it can be done on some watch cases to achieve that antiqated patina look over time.
I can also get Bronze, brass and gold!! :) If you can post some pics of what you need done I can let you know.

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