Borderlands 2 Zer0 helmet

Looks awesome! Still waiting to make my visor for mine. The rest of the helmet is done and I did the pep visor but had to adjust the lower part to be able to fit over my chin cause my head is big haha. Oh well. Someday it will be done
small update: I have made a foam wall across the helmet; this is how I'm attaching the visor to the helmet. Also, this friday, I'm ordering the spray tint on friday, so once that arrives, I'll tint the visor, attach it to the helmet and thats it!

I don't know what fogging is, could you explain?

You know when you get in a car on a cold day and don't put the demisters on, the windsheild fogs up due to the water vapor in your breath. It can also happen with motorcycle helmets when stationary which is why you quite often see bikers crack their helmets open at traffic lights.
You could get similar problems with the visor if there isn't enough ventilation.
You know when you get in a car on a cold day and don't put the demisters on, the windsheild fogs up due to the water vapor in your breath. It can also happen with motorcycle helmets when stationary which is why you quite often see bikers crack their helmets open at traffic lights.
You could get similar problems with the visor if there isn't enough ventilation.

Thank you, I see what you mean now. I'll be wearing a ninja balaclava which means I won't be breathing directly at the visor, however if you have any other ideas, I would like to hear them.
Good luck with the tinting, It took me a few times to get it right with the nightshades on a large visor, sometimes it would blur the entire visor so I had to make sure to do it in long broad sprays across the entire area in one quick go.
Good luck with the tinting, It took me a few times to get it right with the nightshades on a large visor, sometimes it would blur the entire visor so I had to make sure to do it in long broad sprays across the entire area in one quick go.

Cool, thanks for the advice.
One way to stop fogging is to install a small fan in the helmet. If space is an issue, you can get very small ones.

This one is a 7 x 7mm 5v fan from Maplins:

One way to stop fogging is to install a small fan in the helmet. If space is an issue, you can get very small ones.

Thanks man, space definitely is an issue with my helmet, my head fits snug, but there's not much room for anything else. I was thinking about installing a mini projector at the top of the helmet with an image of the "0" projecting out, however I doubt it would look good, let alone fit in.
So once again I have another problem. My spray tint has arrived and I did a test peice, however it has only slightly darkened and visible through both sides, I need it to be black and only visible through one side. Any advice?
P.S. The tint is e-tech lens tint smoke.
UPDATE: I worked my way around the tint and managed to get the tint I want.


I had to use the whole 150ml can, 9 coats on the inside, 3 coats on the outside. I will post better pics once the visor is secured to the visor. That will be up shortly.
Here is me wearing the helmet. Despite having to do 12 coats of tint, visibility is about 80%. All thats left is to paint the helmet grey(ish) and some battle damage and that's it.

Here is a short video of me wearing the helmet. It is still incomplete; It needs painting and needs a neck guard and I kept the video short because uploads take FOREVER.

Click the image to play the video.

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Big update: So I have painted my helmet. Its ok for a while, however, I do have bigger plans. I plan on making the costume (starting with his torso.) Progress for that will probably start next week.
I use an A2 0.50mm thick clear PETG sheet, made for vacuum forming. I actually used recycled plastic to save on money. I then used headlight smoke tint to tint it.
Okay, so I have decided to remake my helmet, I have already made the foam shell (I did that a couple months ago,) and I am reshaping my visor buck to be ultra smooth. I'm ordering more plastic and I have found a UK distributor who sells VHT niteshades. I have learned from the mistakes of my first zer0 helm so hopefully, this one will be much better.
I look forward to seeing your re-build of this helmet, the first build looks great! I'm hoping to start on this soon, so I'm going to be looking forward to any advice you post about it.
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