Borderlands 2 Zer0 helmet

Small update:
I've started work on making the vacuum forming table, using 1/2 inch plywood and measuring holes for drilling. (330 in total)


In the following days, I'l drill the holes, assemble the frame and assemble the table.
Yeah, no kidding about the table. I wanted it to be big enough for my visor, but also big enough for future projects.

P.S. Visor buck is finished, I didn't post any picture because it looks exactly the same as the previous visor picture. :)
So I have a bit of a teaser... sort of. I have a "before and after" shot of my visor.


It shows my visor 3 weeks ago and what it is now. I have also decided my paint schemes for my helmets; Default colour and Jokobs filigree.
So I have been looking around on 3d forums and other prop making websites trying to find any zer0 helmets other than his default helmet, and come up dry, so if anyone has any 3d files of other helmets, (especially punk and raz0r) please let me know. Any info would be greatful. :)

P.S. My supplies are coming in shortly so my visor will be 100% ready for vac forming and my vac table should be done by the end of the week.

All 330 holes drilled! Really easy with a dremel drill bit.


also, all the supplies came in, however, I need more wood for the "frame" of the box, and I need a proper drill for drilling my holes for screwing, because my dremel drill bit is only 1 1/2 inches. I should obtain both within the week. Once they arrive, its full steam ahead!
Looking good, I'm working on a Zero helmet myself, just started a couple days ago though, look forward to seeing the finished product.
Frame is nearly complete! This is to hold the plastic in place. All that needs doing is screwing in the hinges and clasps and then its on to finishing the table.

Hi guys, I am new to this forum and new to costume making, im planning on making a zer0 costume for myself using eva foam, i wondered if anyone had any kind of template/guide for making the helmet/shoulder pads to get me started, any help is appreciated guys =]
First of all, I apolagize for my recent delay. I haven't had broadband for 9 days! I swear I was suffering from internet withdrawal, but now I'm back, so I'll be responding to my email soon and BIG updates will also come shortly.
So like I said, I have an update. I have finished the buck, the frame to hold my plastic, and I have built my vacuum table. All I need to do is drill a big hole for the vacuum nozzle to fit in the table, and a stand to hold my frame over my hobs. I'll be recording my progress for 2 reasons; to see myself vacuumform, and to spot any mistakes I have made. That should be coming up within the week.
EDIT 27/05/13: I realised I forgot to say how I finished my buck. Once the visor was finished, I filled the inside of the visor until the foam equally layered across the floor. I then sanded off chunks and filled any gaps with expanding foam. Then it was a case of bonso/sanding without punching holes. Lastly, I painted the rest of the visor with really hard drying paint to keep strength.


"Table and frame"
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So I have decided to upload the file I have "modified" for my foam helmet. This is so people can easily access it, and so I don't have to keep sending emails to everyone requesting it. All rights go to JTM1997

Here is all the info I can give. this file is originally made by JTM1997, all I have done is edit the peices. these are templates I modified specifically for 10mm EVA foam sheets. all the peices marked "L" are the left side of the helmet, so when you draw your templates on, simply flip the templates for the right side, thats just mainly to save on paper. Although all the peices I used are on the page, I had to free hand 1 or 2 peices, so results may very. Some of the templates can be joined up to make a big template, I only ended up with 5 templates in the end, doing this saves a lot of time, cutting each peice individually. To assemble and shape the peices, I used super glue, however you can use hot glue, and to shape it, you'll need a heat source; ideally a hot air gun, or is you have an electric oven, you can turn a hob on high, and heat up the foam. The last thing is this helmet is scaled 300mm height, 240mm width and 286mm depth. If you have a big head, scale the height to 310mm
UPDATE: I have finally had the chance to start vacuum forming my visor, for my first attempt I learned alot from that experience and I think it was a success.


I will make another one, learn from my mistakes and perfect it, but for the mean time, this visor is good enough. It just needs tinting, and glueing to the helmet, and thats it! Its likely I will do a V.2 in the future, but once again for now I'm impressed with what I have done.
Nice, I'm curious to see how you're going to tint it.
Also, have you thought about fogging?

My plan was to use VHT nightshades, I was going to dye it, however that requires boiling water which could warp my visor. I don't know what fogging is, could you explain?
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