Boondock saints Props. Any Ideas?

Jr. jones

Well-Known Member
I'm trying to come up with a prop list For boondock Saints. So Far I Have...
-The Irish rosary
-Smecker FBI id badge
-9MM With silencer
-"Rambo" Knife
-Ski Mask
- Rocco's Mask
Any other ideas?
I don't think they use pennies though do they? Aren't they some other coin just refered to as pennies? When Romeo sees the bag of coins spill on the ship(in the new flick) I thought they were something else..

Anyway, The Rosaries are available at the Boondock store but $70 a piece...

But yeah you gotta have the rope!:lol I think you've got it covered though, I can't think of anything off the top of my head.. maybe a busted toilet lid? :lol
The peacoats (although probably more wardrobe than prop) are pretty iconic as far as the saints go. In my collection I have the coat and the rosary. I display the rosary in its case surrounded by bullet casings just for the effect :)
If you buy the rosary from the site, be warned. Their shipping times take WEEKS and the silver metal circle are seldom centered properly. :thumbsdown
If you buy the rosary from the site, be warned. Their shipping times take WEEKS and the silver metal circle are seldom centered properly. :thumbsdown
And it's definitely not screen-accurate to the first film.
They MAY have been made by the same person. However, the beads are wrong, & the shape/color of the cross is wrong. Again, I'm talking about the original film, not the sequel. I haven't seen the sequel yet, but I'm pretty sure that I saw the BS licensed rosaries in the trailer for the sequel.

I'm off to bed right now, but tomorrow evening (after work) I can post some screencaps that show the differences.
I don't think they use pennies though do they? Aren't they some other coin just refered to as pennies? When Romeo sees the bag of coins spill on the ship(in the new flick) I thought they were something else..

Nope, pennies. I have the blu-ray, it's pretty clear. You can see little Lincolns and monuments.

The only thing I could think to add to the list would be a few cans of beer. :lol
I noticed there were two versions of the metal ring in the center of the cross. A metal alloy and a steel ring, I think are what's different between the two, and I think the shape and size as well.
Plus, what upsets me the most about the piece, is that the wood cross was poorly made. On one part they didn't even take the time to sand down the splinters of the wood after cutting and drilling! And... the finish sucks on it too! Too much gloss coat! :unsure
It's also made of a really light soft wood, like pine or something. What I have is definitely not worth a closeup shot in a movie!
I'll eventually make myself another wood cross using a dense, heavy exotic wood to give it more heft.

Hot topic makes a replica jacket from the just have to switch out the buttons on them.

The problem with Naval issue PeaCoats is they have a MUCH larger collar than those in the movies. SO these are a great replica other than the buttons which arent hard to replace. Especially for a mere 24.99 and not 80+.

Also another prop is the Russians' Desert Eagle from the beginning of the first movie.
The actual Pea Coats used in the second film came from this website.
they are very nice and the price is not bad.

The Hot Topic jacket is actually pretty horrible. I have the one that they put out back in 2004 with the authentic anchor buttons and the prayer in only one spot its really nice. I just got one of
the new ones as well. It is no where near as good. Thinner material, silly buttons, I was gonna replace them anyway. The prayer repeats in the lining. Only thing better is the saint on the underside of the collar. Its a cheap jacket that you would expect to get for $24.
I did saints for Halloween back in college a couple years back with a buddy and put together a couple things on the cheap. I remember i got a decent pair of 9mm airsoft for 20 bucks off amazon, and ski masks that were spot on too. The Rosary they sell used to be pretty good from what i can tell. I saw the screen used ones at the dvd party with the cast in NYC and compared it to my store bought one and it was 85-90 spot on, they do use a cheaper wood and seem to rush the production so the bead placement will be off sometimes.
I used a old navy peacoat that i got on clearance for many years and it was a great close enough, i liked it more than the official one my friend bought. I might pick up that 24 one just since its so cheap and id e a good costume coat.
Oh and as far as other props go i always thought the newspaper "saints of south Boston" would be cool, or maybe the wanted pictures from the end of the first flick. Maybe Il Duce's vest? I though the guns from the new film might be cool. I know they're done by the guy who did the guns in Romeo + Juliet. They have that kind of ridiculous but awesome feel to them.
OK, I don't have the capability to screencap from a blu-ray (maybe someone else can), but here's what I was talking about. First some pix of the licensed Rosary:

Here are the specs for the licensed piece (which I copied from the site when it was first released):

CROSS: ALL HAND MADE of the highest quality "center cuts" of North American Rock Maple (very heavy hard wood). Hand sanded. Soaked for 36 hours in a home-made Chocolate/Red Mahogany stain (yes, actual "Hershey's" chocolate syrup is one of the ingredients), high gloss urethane finish.

NECKLACE: Wooden "spun" rosary beads and metal "antique" beads on Leather cording. Hangs at the naval.
In the screencaps, you can see that the screen-used rosaries don't have all those diagonal, decorative cuts/angles (on the front & back surfaces) that are seen in the licensed replica. The screen pieces are fairly plain/simple in shape (wide, square ends, tapering down towards the center):

The screen rosaries also seem to be a more neutral color (more grayish), but that may just be from poor photo resolution. In addition, the rings appear to be thinner, & pinned to all 4 arms of the cross, as opposed to just the top/bottom (as on the replica).

As for the necklace, the licensed piece is mostly wooden beaded with a few metal beads at varying intervals. The best pix I could find of the screen-used piece are below. The larger beads appear to be wooden, but the smaller beads are clear [plastic or glass]. In the close-up at the bottom, you can clearly (<--omg pun) see the ambient light shining through the smaller beads & casting transparent shadows on his skin (to a lesser extent, you can see similar shadows from the beads on the hanging pix above).

There are other shots that also demonstrate the effect, but this is the best one I could find on the DVD.

So yeah. I'm in the process of building my own. :love
The whiskey Romeo brings them in the 2nd film would be a good prop. I paused the Blu-Ray, looks to be "County Meade Irish Whiskey" which, is probably a "fake" brand. The closest thing I could find to the bottle was Bushmills Irish Whiskey.

EDIT: Definitely is. Just saw an undoctored bottle.
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OK, I don't have the capability to screencap from a blu-ray (maybe someone else can), but here's what I was talking about. First some pix of the licensed Rosary:

Here are the specs for the licensed piece (which I copied from the site when it was first released):

In the screencaps, you can see that the screen-used rosaries don't have all those diagonal, decorative cuts/angles (on the front & back surfaces) that are seen in the licensed replica. The screen pieces are fairly plain/simple in shape (wide, square ends, tapering down towards the center):

The screen rosaries also seem to be a more neutral color (more grayish), but that may just be from poor photo resolution. In addition, the rings appear to be thinner, & pinned to all 4 arms of the cross, as opposed to just the top/bottom (as on the replica).

As for the necklace, the licensed piece is mostly wooden beaded with a few metal beads at varying intervals. The best pix I could find of the screen-used piece are below. The larger beads appear to be wooden, but the smaller beads are clear [plastic or glass]. In the close-up at the bottom, you can clearly (<--omg pun) see the ambient light shining through the smaller beads & casting transparent shadows on his skin (to a lesser extent, you can see similar shadows from the beads on the hanging pix above).

There are other shots that also demonstrate the effect, but this is the best one I could find on the DVD.

So yeah. I'm in the process of building my own. :love

Lucky! you got the Brown Beads!

the ones used for the wall scene are the HERO ones and i believe were really only used for that scene

the newer version has black rosary beads and a beveled ring which is supposed to be the BDS2 cross now i believe