Bondo question


Sr Member
Since many people here use it, I decided to buy a can of Bondo and give it a try.

I mixed according to the directions and the stuff kicked solid in about 30 seconds. For my second batch I used half the hardener that I did the first time and it stayed soft longer but by only 10-15 seconds.

Is this the way it's supposed to work? Any tips for working with it?

It sounds like you used too much hardner. You want the color to match the pink color of the Bondo spreader exactly. If you get that color exactly, you got good working time. It is all trial and error.

Use little enough hardener and you can get 10 minutes wait time, light pink color. Basically, if the entire mix is pink at all, it will harden. I've gone through 5 cans and have two full tubes of hardener lying around :cool
Humidity and heat are a factor. Like RTV, Bondo likes humidity and will kick a little faster. Just mix little batches and time them and note the temp and humidity. You can then get a good idea of what mix works for your corner of the world.

Thanks, that helps alot! I am mixing outdoors in Arizona, that might have SOMETHING to do with it. I'll try less hardener. too!
Haha..what a coincidence. I got very frustrated myself last night..bondo was hardening WAY to fast....I made a mess. I was working in a WARM garage last night. I have used it a lot in the past and usually don't have a problem, but the warm weather messed me up BIG TIME.

It sucks cuz summers can be too hot and winter is WAY too cold....and it always stinks so I have to work in the garage.
I'm curious, which bondo do you use? I usually use the bondo that just comes in one tube and I just tare off the amount I need, and then I "knead" that. This stuff usually gives me around a 20 min work time..