Hi to all.
First i want to thank you all four your thoughts.
And then i want to beg your pardon that i didn´t explained my position good enough.
KNOW it´s only a artistic interpretation of nothing real, not even a artistic interpretation of the guns used in the movies. I assume the painter had seen (maybe) pics/scetches/drafts of Leias Defender and Hans DL-44, and when painting he didn´t remembered right, or he didn´t care, or it was his intention - but for me he merged the sleek appearance of Leias DDC with some aspects of Hans blaster.
So, there is no wrong or right when doing it. Just that painting - how close a build of it comes to the "original" lies in the eyes of it´s maker, as no real parts were used.
MY idea of doing it (if i decide to) is not to taka any "good enough" gun and modify it until it looks somehow close, but to turn the barrel on my lathe, according to the dimensions i got when scaling it up, i scaled it up until it still looked sleek and ladylike in my hand, but not flimsy.
I think i will avoid the Mauser - as i´m sure the similarities would be to prominent if shown next to my DL-44 collection.
The receiver part could be machined, machined from Alu, or MDF plated with Alu-sheets on it´s sides.I assume that´s easier and more accurate to the painting than using a existing gun. But, and that´s the main reason i asked, there needs to be a good transition between handle and receiver - if i would first make a receiver and then start to bash some grips somehow to it, it would look like crap. When i have the barrel and the handle, then i can decide wich dimension, width, and shape the receiver, and esspecially the transition needs.
I handled a fair amount of military weapons while i was on duty, but none of their grips matched the painting. So i was hoping for you guys, hoping that some of you remember a type of gun that might fit the general shape. The High Standard looks perfect, and also the Ruger seems not to be that bad - i will have a look for both of them. Thanks.
Again - my big thanks to
all of you, every input is helpfull in this early stage. :cool