Blaster Help From Star Wars Clone Wars Animated Show

Wild Starchild

New Member
Hey guys,
I posted this over at the BBC, and there wasn't much feedback, so I thought I throw it to you guys:

Does anyone here watch the animated Clone Wars show on Cartoon Network?? The season finale featured bounty hunter Cad Bane. Does anyone have any pics of those blasters he's using?? I've found a couple on WOOKIEPEDIA, but that's about it. Been looking for several days with no luck.

Also, he has a henchman named Shahan Alama. He too is weilding a pretty nifty little blaster. Any idea what it is??

I saw another similar or maybe just like it on another episode. The one with the Blue Shadow Virus (I think that was the name) The doctor on the show was using it. His name is Nuvo Vindi:

I've searched and searched for these weapons, but not knowing much about the guys, it's really difficult to reifne the searches. I'm just hoping one of you guys might have seen it and identified them. Any help would be great.

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There are a few closeups of the blaster in the episode when they are still holstered. You can still se a lot of detail.
Just to are looking for possible real world items/ guns to base your CG blaster on, correct?

If so, good luck. It looks like a hybrid between an AR7, a C96 combined with the scope mounts of Zams blaster rifle :lol

Just to are looking for possible real world items/ guns to base your CG blaster on, correct?

If so, good luck. It looks like a hybrid between an AR7, a C96 combined with the scope mounts of Zams blaster rifle :lol


I'm gonna scratchbuild them if I can get a drawing made. Hard to find good side shots of them!! LOL I guess if I can't find them, I'll have to just start sketching. I wish Lucasfilm would add a page on the star wars website dedicated to the different blasters. Let the guys who actually make them run it and talk about them. I guess they are worried about losing the money to scratchbuilt, mass produced props.
I'm gonna scratchbuild them if I can get a drawing made. Hard to find good side shots of them!! LOL I guess if I can't find them, I'll have to just start sketching. I wish Lucasfilm would add a page on the star wars website dedicated to the different blasters. Let the guys who actually make them run it and talk about them. I guess they are worried about losing the money to scratchbuilt, mass produced props.

Bumping this again so other have a chance to see it. any help would be great.
Watched these episodes again last night, and I couldn’t agree more.
I'd love to see that blaster produced....and some day kitted.....and delivered to my home. :$ .... for a reasonable price.....preferably as close to free as possible....

sigh, hopes and dreams.....:lol
What about the ones, Shahan Alama, Banes henchman is using? I like to do a fanfilm in the future, and those look like some cool little smokers for a pirate crew. Do we have a name for any of these blasters??
i've got a bunch of screencaps from that episode online... maybe one of them will help?

HEY HEY!! Thanks man, those should come in handy.

If you happen to have that episode recorded, do you think you could get some shots of the blaster the little crypt keeper dude is waving around?? LOL

What program are you guys using to get the screen caps. Do you have a TV card in your computer?
The Cad Bane blasters are two LL-30's.
I found some .obj files on 405th, but I don't think they are still online.
I have the files, but since I'm not the creator, I don't think I am allowed to upload them somewhere.
Here some screencaps: Bildschirmfoto vom 2014-08-17 11:49:08.pngBildschirmfoto vom 2014-08-17 11:48:55.png


  • Bildschirmfoto vom 2014-08-17 11:49:36.png
    Bildschirmfoto vom 2014-08-17 11:49:36.png
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