I owned the Hero Blade 1 vest, one of the many made for the film. I took every possible measurement you can imagine, and digital photos of everything.
The amazing part about the vest is it's SO lightweight, small, and NOT AT ALL made from leather or a leather-like material! haha Also, it amazes me how SMALL Wesley Snipes must be, because it was a very small vest. The trechcoat probably didn't weigh half a pound. SO SO lightweight, but man it all LOOKS like leather. haha
Anyway, in 2008 when our laptop computer crashed, we lost all our wedding photos, our newborn baby photos, and all the photos of the Blade vest measurements. What a shame. Actually, I dont care so much about the others photos, but I miss the first photos of my daughter.
So, my suggestion would be to talk to Gary Barth because he is the ONLY person who has every been able to produce ones that looked correct.
If I can offer you any help, I can tell you everything about the vest, because its really simple!
Good Luck! I cant wait until you get started! GOOD LUCK!